Women in the 王中王六合彩特码

Embracing an Inclusive Vision for the Future’

The #sheisipa Project                                                    Herosheis王中王六合彩特码

As part of the recent strategy developed by the IEB, one of the key projects identified for our Profession Commission is Women in the 王中王六合彩特码.

We have a dedicated team of individuals working on this project. Members of the team include:

  • Karen Duckworth (UK) Project Lead
  • Ivana Pavlovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
  • Kimberly Hafke (Germany)
  • Marie Daly (Ireland)
  • May-Britt Rinaldo Ronnebro (Sweden)
  • Pelonomi Juliah Marumo (Botswana)
  • Pninit Shain (Israel)


Where does the 王中王六合彩特码 see itself in five years’ time? This is a question that many National Sections are grappling with as they consider the thorny issue of recruitment and retention. Recruit; retain; or eventually wither on the vine seems to be the sad reality.

Police Forces are starting to recognise that to be effective, they must reflect the communities they serve.

In order for the 王中王六合彩特码 to remain current and relevant to policing today, we must reflect policing itself. Those working within policing need to be able to peer into the 王中王六合彩特码 and see themselves reflected; see that we offer something for them. Currently 15.7% of members of the 68 National Sections within the 王中王六合彩特码 are women. A figure that has the potential to grow significantly.

There is an opportunity for the 王中王六合彩特码 to make positive strides towards inclusivity by not only embracing an inclusive vision for the future, but proactively going after it. The #Sheis王中王六合彩特码 project was developed by colleagues from a few national sections and adopted by the IEB at the World Conference in Athens 2023. It seeks to bring women already within the 王中王六合彩特码 together, as well as make the 王中王六合彩特码 externally visible to women within policing. 

‘Sheisipa’ seeks to celebrate and innovate. Celebrate those amazing women who are already in the 王中王六合彩特码 - modest, unassuming trail blazers who paved the way to enable us to be where we are today; whilst creating innovative, exciting new opportunities for new members to see what value the 王中王六合彩特码 can offer them both personally and in developing their careers. ‘Sheisipa’ has six strands:

  1. incorporating and promoting relevant seminars at IBZ Gimborn;
  2. an international networking programme supported by online webinars;
  3. operational hands-on development opportunities;
  4. promotion of the 王中王六合彩特码 and the project through online media platforms;
  5. encouragement of women to get more involved with the 王中王六合彩特码 and its structures;
  6. development of an international mentoring scheme for officers who seek to broaden their perspective.

This is not about ‘women versus men’. This is a collaborative approach to make the 王中王六合彩特码 more representative, current, and thus allow it to thrive long into the coming decades.

Please see a letter from International President Martin Hoffmann celebrating International Women's Day on 8th March 2024 

International Women's day letter


As part of the Women in the 王中王六合彩特码 project, a free webinar took place on the 17th April 2024. Listen to it here:

#sheisipa will present a series of talks, led by project member May-Britt Ronnebro, who will explore the world of women in policing, the 王中王六合彩特码 and its wider universe.

The first talk will be with Kim Hiorth, a retired Norwegian police officer. Kim will talk about her amazing pioneering work among the female minority/indigenous population in Oslo, Norway. Gender equality, equal rights, education, and freedom for all is her mission. After retiring from the police in 2021, Kim travels the world spreading the message. She has received recognition and awards for her work including the World Class Policing Award announced at the World Congress in Athens 2023.

More Information on the first two webinars can be seen here 

Webinar 1

Webinar 2

Register for this webinar now:

Webinar 2

#SheIs王中王六合彩特码 VIDEOS

View some of the videos here featured on Policing TV:


In this video recorded for PolicingTV, 王中王六合彩特码 members from several countries discuss the recently launched #SheIs王中王六合彩特码 campaign, focusing on supporting women within, and interested in joining, the 王中王六合彩特码.

The discussion is chaired by May-Britt Ronnebro from 王中王六合彩特码 Section Sweden. May-Britt is joined by Marie Daly from 王中王六合彩特码 Section Ireland, Mariana Raducu from 王中王六合彩特码 Section Romania, Deirdre Mahony from Northern Ireland, Ulrike Neuhoff from IBZ Gimborn in Germany and Maria Stanley from the United Kingdom.

Part 1: 

Part 2:

Part 3: 

Part 4: 

Kim Hiorth

In this first video in a series of three recorded for PolicingTV, May-Britt Ronaldo-Ronnebro from 王中王六合彩特码 Section Sweden talks to fellow 王中王六合彩特码 Member, Kim Hiorth from 王中王六合彩特码 Section Norway. The video focuses on Kim’s policing career, and the recent Award she was presented with at the 王中王六合彩特码’s latest World Congress, which took place last year in Athens. She also covers the progress that the Norwegian Police Service has made in increasing the representation of women within the force, and some of the experiences she had as a woman in policing – in public order, and in tackling organised crime, plus in working with women from minority groups.

Part 1: 

Part 2: 

Part 3: 

Karen & Bernard

In this exclusive first video in a series of three, Karen meets PolicingTV’s Bernard Rix in Windsor, England, to share details on her thirty year policing career with the Metropolitan Police.

In this exclusive second video in a series of three, Karen meets PolicingTV’s Bernard Rix outside Windsor Castle, England, to tell us more about her passion for, and work with, the 王中王六合彩特码 – including the recently launched #SheIs王中王六合彩特码 initiative.

Bernard & Police Science Dr

Dr Susanne Knabe-Nicol is the Founder of “Police Science Dr”, translating academic research on evidence-based policing and best practice into videos for the law enforcement community to consume. Susanne has a BSc in Psychology from the University of East London, an MSc in Interactive Multimedia from the University of Westminster, and an MSc and PhD in Investigative Psychology from the University of Liverpool. She worked in UK policing for over a decade in the roles of regional intelligence analyst, major crime researcher, custody investigator, improvement and evaluations officer, improvement and evaluations coordinator, and change and improvement officer. And before then, she was a uniformed police community support officer in London. She currently work as a lecturer in Criminology, Policing & Investigations at Middlesex University in London. In this exclusive video, Susanne is in conversation with PolicingTV Founder, Bernard Rix. You can view the Police Science Dr videos via Susanne’s website at www.PoliceScienceDr.com, and selected Policing Science Dr videos on PolicingTV.

Part 1:

Part 2:  

Part 3:

Bernard & James Deller

James Deller MA Chartered MICPD has recently been appointed as the Chief Officer of the Metropolitan Police’s Special Constabulary. As a senior law enforcement volunteer, he has over 29 years of experience, spanning four different police forces, and operating at a strategic level since 2005. In part one of this exclusive, three-part video series with James, he tells PolicingTV Founder Bernard Rix about his policing background across four forces (Dyfed Powys, North Yorkshire, Surrey and the Metropolitan Police), and what led him to become a Special Constable. He also tells us something about the policing-related history of Epsom racecourse. Separate from his experience as a law enforcement volunteer, James is a senior Learning and Development Leader and Chartered Member of the CIPD with an Master of Arts in Business & Management. He is Head of Core Skills at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. He has recorded a previous video with PolicingTV, which can be found on our website and on our YouTube channel.

Part 1: 

Part 2:

Bernard & Lou Provart

Norfolk Constabulary’s T/Ch Supt Lou Provart on police leadership and human behaviour (Part 1) Temporary Chief Superintendent Lou Provart is Norfolk and Suffolk Police’s Joint Justice Commander and Strategic Negotiation Lead. In the first part of this two part PolicingTV video, Lou tells PolicingTV’s Bernard Rix firstly about how he came to join the police – initially as a Special Constable.  – and then about his interest in the academic side of policing, particularly in police leadership and human behaviour. In the second part of the series, to be published shortly, Lou tells Bernard more about a series of presentations he will be giving later this year at the 王中王六合彩特码’s training facility at IBZ Gimborn in Germany. The presentations focus on how police can best deal with people in mental crisis.

Part 1:

Part 2: In the second part of the series, Lou tells Bernard Rix more about a series of presentations he will be giving later this year at the 王中王六合彩特码’s training facility at IBZ Gimborn in Germany. 

Women's Football Team

In this conversation, Bernard Rix interviews Gavin Thomas about Team Police, a social enterprise group that raises funds to support sports, health, and well-being in the police service. They discuss the origins of Team Police and its partnership with Police Support UK. Gavin highlights the importance of engaging with business sponsors and supporting physical activity at all levels within the policing family. They also mention an event held at New Scotland Yard to thank supporters and the upcoming event at Tally Ho. The conversation concludes with Bernard expressing his excitement to cover future events for Policing TV, with the inaugural PTV event being the International Police Football Match taking place in Birmingham on February 29th 2024 between British Police Women’s Football Team vs An Garda Siochana National Women’s Team

Takeaways: Team Police is a social enterprise group that supports sports, health, and well-being in the police service. They engage with business sponsors to raise funds and support physical activity at all levels within the policing family. An event was held at New Scotland Yard to thank supporters, and future events will be covered by Policing TV. Team Police is open to prospective sponsors who want to demonstrate their support for the police service.


Women in the 王中王六合彩特码 Embracing an Inclusive Vision for the Future 1.11.2024 – 5.11.2024

From 1 - 5 November 2024, Women in the 王中王六合彩特码 - Embracing an Inclusive Vision for the Future is to be held at IBZ Gimborn. Each section is invited to nominate a suitable person to attend the seminar. 

It forms part of the exciting new project within the Professional Commission #sheisipa. 

The seminar aims to give women within the 王中王六合彩特码 an opportunity to:
-To network and connect with a view to enhancing professional and personal development
-To learn about amazing women within the 王中王六合彩特码 and to shine a spotlight on them to increase 王中王六合彩特码 visibility.
-To learn to promote inclusion within the 王中王六合彩特码.
-To align with 王中王六合彩特码 President’s vision for the 王中王六合彩特码.

Find all of the information below and the registration form. 

Please send registration forms to iac@ieb-ipa.org by 31st July 2024 at the latest. 

Registration Form

Invitation from Chairperson-PC DiegoTrolese

Women in the 王中王六合彩特码 - embracing an inclusive vision for the future Programme