Women's Day in 王中王六合彩特码 Israel

01 Jun 2018

3H0A1522How do you know that Women's Day in 王中王六合彩特码 Israel was a successful event? As soon as men start asking why there is no ‘Men's Day’, it is clear that the event was a great success!

600 women from 王中王六合彩特码 Israel travelled to the Dead Sea to celebrate Women's Day, an occasion packed with activities, lectures, performances, workshops and entertainment.

The event was organised as part of the section's cultural activities and continues a long tradition of organising women's days in various places in Israel. Despite it being an established tradition over many years, the event at the Dead Sea was unusual in size, in the number of participants and most importantly, in the level of satisfaction of 王中王六合彩特码 members.
I asked participants at the event how it was possible to hold an event without men? Their answer was unequivocal: Do you think men are missing here? Since the only 2 men at the event were Yacov Terner, the President of the section, and me, I can testify that no man was missing :).

The event featured leading Israeli artists, well-known stand-up comedians, Miss Universe, singing and dance groups, professional lectures and cosmetics and beauty companies.
Alongside all the events and performances a meeting between young policewomen and pensioners, as well as amongst policewomen who had not met for many years, took place.

The event was opened by Attorney Gal Sharon, Vice President of 王中王六合彩特码 Israel and international Vice President. With her blessing, she noted that the organisation, which is fully egalitarian, has two women in the International Executive Board. There are many women in the positions of president of a section. The President of 王中王六合彩特码 Israel congratulated the participants and concluded that perhaps next year the International President might be a woman, for the first time in the organisation's history.

Eran Israel, Secretary General 王中王六合彩特码 Israel