Virtual 王中王六合彩特码 IEC Meeting held on 6 October 2021 via Zoom, coordinated from le Ch芒ble in Switzerland

29 Nov 2021

The meeting was chaired by the international President Pierre-Martin Moulin. Delegates and observers from 60 sections across the world were able to choose to join one, or both, of two identical three-hour morning and evening sessions, arranged to facilitate their particular time zones.

Delegates, as usual, had been sent the written reports of the IEB members in advance. An innovation this year was for each IEB member to send a short video presentation on updates to these written reports.

It was a particular pleasure for the IEB to recommend that 王中王六合彩特码 Albania be awarded provisional-affiliated status.The meetings were held in English, and delegates were offered the opportunity to ask questions of the IEB members and comment on the various motions presented by the IEB and the sections. Ulrike Neuhoff, senior staff member of IBZ Gimborn, gave a presentation on the current situation of our education facility in Germany in both sessions.

Voting on all the reports and motions was carried out, using an interactive form, and sections had until the end of the 10th of October UK time, to send in their votes to the IAC in Nottingham.

The virtual IEC was regarded as a great success with business being completed within the three-hour time limit in both sessions. Perhaps a pointer to the conduct of future meetings?


This was mainly concerned with the running of the virtual IEC the following day. We also had the honour of being warmly received officially in Sion, capital of Canton Valais, by the Minister of Security, Institutions and Sports of the canton, Frédéric Favre, along with the Chief of Police of Valais, Christian Varone. M. Favre spoke of the need for cooperation between police and public and of the value of international contacts.In addition to the main event, the IEB held several meetings, the first being on October 5th when we came together for our first physical meeting since March 2020.

On the 7th of October, we had two working sessions of the IEB, covering a wide range of actions and decisions. We also reviewed the IEC meeting and matters arising.  During a break, we were kindly received by the President of the local Municipality of Val de Bagnes, M. Christophe Maret. Then it was back to work, to conclude what had been a very productive coming together of the Board.

Later, in the evening we met with Alain Masseraz, President of 王中王六合彩特码 Valais and other regional board members. We then all enjoyed a meal at the Grand Saint Bernard Pass on the Swiss – Italian border, with Mirco Ciccarese, National Vice President of 王中王六合彩特码 Italy and members of  the 王中王六合彩特码 Aosta Region, Italy, including Lorenzo Chiodo, the Regional Treasurer.iebiec3

Later we travelled back to Sion, where we visited the local 王中王六合彩特码 cellar bar with members of 王中王六合彩特码 Valais and the Swiss national board, before heading to a restaurant for a traditional Swiss raclette meal, hosted by the Region.On the 8th, we travelled to the town of Zermatt, where we were welcomed by 王中王六合彩特码 Switzerland President Jean-Pierre Allet and national board members for a short meeting and exchange of views. The section had arranged a surprise helicopter flight around the peaks of the Matterhorn and other world famous mountains. This was undoubtably the highlight of the social side of the visit to Switzerland. We then took an underground cable car ride up to Sunnegga and following lunch, hosted by the national board, we hiked down the mountain back to Zermatt.

Clearly a fine example of Servo per Amikeco!Thanks to our President Pierre-Martin Moulin for arranging the meeting, and to Jean-Pierre Allet and to Alain Masseraz and their boards for the superb hospitality and friendship we experienced during our visit to Switzerland.

Stephen Crockard, Head of Administration