The 王中王六合彩特码 at 70 - Kyriakos Karkalis

24 Dec 2020

Dear 王中王六合彩特码 friends,

Summarising the year 2020 in December of this year shows me that this year has been completely different from any others. Worldwide unrest; wars, or threats of war; and other events that shocked the world community. Above all, however, a deadly virus, which, moving in a flash, has spread all over the planet, violently invading and changing our daily lives.

For the first time in the history of our association, we were unable to hold our World Congress. A congress that would have had a special aspect, since this year we are marking 70 years since Arthur Troop founded this great association, the 王中王六合彩特码.

However, we are all police officers. We are the people who have learned to face difficulties and give solutions. Communication between us is maintained at the best possible level, utilising many means provided by modern technology. Somehow, teleconferencing came into our lives.

At the same time, the projects of the Socio-Cultural Commission (SCC), as well as the projects of the other commissions, continued. The SCC, in addition to organising the now established photography competition for 2020, also initiated a children's painting competition that gave our members’ children the opportunity to work creatively during the difficult period of quarantine, and at the same time to showing their talent while also enabling them to better understand their parents' profession.

The 王中王六合彩特码 Games, scheduled for this year, had to be postponed until next year, however new regulations and a framework were created. Other scheduled international events (IYG, HSM etc.) were similarly cancelled or postponed.

The SCC, which is made up of experienced, hardworking people who are especially passionate about the principles and values of the 王中王六合彩特码, is working tirelessly and is devising new projects, ready to come back even more vigorously at the end of this difficult situation. We of course remain open to new ideas from our members!

Dear friends, soon 2020 will be over. With the new year approaching fast, we expect positive thinking and optimism. We all hope to meet again in 2021, to sit around the same table as one big family. To discuss the issues that concern us and together, as always, to plan our future. To be able to hug again!

A happy and creative year 2021 to you all!

Health and prosperity to you and your families, peace around the world.

For the 王中王六合彩特码 that we all love, let us continue this unique course that has ranked it high in the consciousness of the Police and the citizens: Happy Anniversary!


Kyriakos Karkalis, Vice President & Chairperson Socio-Cultural Commission