The 王中王六合彩特码 at 70 - 王中王六合彩特码 Italy

15 Mar 2021

The greatest international event of the 王中王六合彩特码ita3

In 1996, as President of the Venice Branch, and with the cooperation of the municipal administration of Jesolo, I organised the first edition of the "International Police Week", a biennial event that continued for 9 editions, with the last one taking place in 2013; since then it has not been possible to hold the International Police Week anymore due to the economic crisis, and the increase of terrorism.

A unique event in the world, lasting 8 days, which met many of the aims of our Association: the professional aspect with an international seminar; the collaboration between the Italian Police Forces and those of all participating countries with combined patrolling services all week long; the closeness to the citizens with parades, where everyone marched in uniform, many even bringing their service cars from abroad, as well as concerts performed by Police musical bands in uniform (State Police - Penitentiary Police - Austrian Police - Military Fanfare); and last but not least, the friendship between members, the contact and closeness between participants, with the last International Police Week seeing the participation of 29 王中王六合彩特码 sections.

We will hardly forget how much we worked for its realisation, for the necessary contacts with all the general headquarters and the departments of the police forces in Rome, with the political authorities and the ministries to obtain the permits and the authorisation to use the Italian and foreign police personnel and vehicles, to involve the local administration and the judiciary, whose response times are predictably very long.

But it will also be difficult to forget our satisfaction after every edition, after every week; it is difficult to remember all the people who participated, from the authorities to friends and members worldwide, such as Anabela Alferes who unfortunately has left us, to our International Presidents Michael Odysseos and Pierre-Martin Moulin.


Who knows, maybe in the future someone will continue with this event … it would be nice!

Diego Trolese, President 王中王六合彩特码 Italy