On the table of the IEB - Retirement of Lesley Hughes

01 Apr 2018

lesleyOur popular staff member, Lesley Hughes, has announced that she shall retire on 18 April, having faithfully served our Association for some 19 years. Lesley joined the IAC in 1998, when the work was very much paper copy orientated and there was huge solid wood table in the middle of the office, piled high with papers and files.

Over the years, the appearance of the office has changed, with modern computers and desks. Working practice gradually moved from paper copies and faxes to an increasingly digital operation. Two of the tedious tasks were the preparation of the IEC/World Congress agenda packs and the annual information guide, now both digitized.

Lesley coped admirably with the changes, with her cheery disposition and calmness, working mainly with Wendy Donaghy over the years, but more recently with Elke Schülpen-Roberts and Kerry Gil. She saw many PEB/IEB members come and goand adapted to the differing management styles of Alan Carter, John Waumsley, Ioannis Panoussis, George Katsaropoulos and Stephen Crockard. Lesley preferred to let others travel overseas, but when duty called, she provided sterling service at IECs and World Congresses.

Lesley is justifiably known across the Association for her friendly and helpful attitude and she will deservedly remain in all our hearts and memories. Thank you, Lesley for your service with friendship!

Stephen Crockard, Head of Administration