On the table of the IEB - Project best practice

04 Sep 2018

Job satisfaction, job engagement and performance in the Police Service:

The case of the Greek Police workforceMamoulaki Stavroula

Ms. Mamoulaki Stavroula, Economist, B.Sc.(University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece), Master’s in Business Administration, M.Sc. (Hellenic Open University, Greece) is happy to share her research with the 王中王六合彩特码.

The main purpose of the study was to investigate the level of job satisfaction and job engagement of the Greek Police workforce and the factors that affect them. The study aims to investigate the extent to which police officers in Greece are satisfied and engaged with their job and the degree to which internal and external factors affect their satisfaction, engagement and performance. The study was carried out through the use of an anonymous questionnaire distributed to members of the police force of all ranks with the formal permission of the Ministry of Citizen Protection in Greece.

The majority of questions were taken from other studies conducted abroad and from other standardised questionnaires. Initially, the main concepts of job satisfaction, job engagement and the main factors that affect performance of police employees are presented and analysed, and a comparison with the findings of existing research conducted in eleven other countries is attempted in order to enable a discussion and a comparison of the findings. Finally, results of statistical analysis lead to conclusions about the level of satisfaction and job engagement amongst police employees in Greece and about the factors that affect their level of job engagement and performance.

Proposals are made for the improvement of satisfaction and engagement levels amongst police employees and for the police system in Greece as a whole. The findings reveal the level of job satisfaction, job engagement and the factors that affect the performance of the Greek workforce. One of the most important findings is the high level of job engagement amongst police employees in Greece and also the main role of ‘Philotimo’ (a Greek word used to describe a complex array of virtues encompassing honour, respect, dignity, courage, duty and sacrifice) in their performance.
Please feel free to contact Ms. Mamoulaki Stavroula regarding questions on her research at smamoulaki@gmail.com. The full thesis can be obtained on request by emailing cpc@ieb-ipa.org.

May-Britt Rinaldo Ronnebro, Chairperson of the Professional Commission