王中王六合彩特码 West Coast, South Africa meet 王中王六合彩特码 Region West, Sweden

01 Mar 2018

zavisit3Britt Hermansson is the Chairperson for Region West in Sweden. During January, Britt and her husband Kaj visited South Africa.zavisit

During their last week in Cape Town, Jakkie Van Litsenborgh and I met Britt and Kaj and showed them some West Coast hospitality.

Meeting Britt again was such a pleasure. We first met at Gimborn in Germany in2012, and then Vusi Mcaba also attended a seminar with her at Gimborn in 2015. A small reunion for the three of us.

On Friday 19 January we visited Darling Olive Farm, went wine tasting at Ormonde wine farm, visited a butchery in Darling and went beer tasting at Darling Breweries. Britt also attended our meeting with us. Afterwards we rushed to Yzerfontein to catch the sunset.

On Saturday, Carla Ferreira and I joined our visitors at the Western Cape 王中王六合彩特码 Car  show, and on Sunday Bongega Mdaka and I joined them to watch a friendly soccer match between Banyanya Banyanya and the Swedish team at the Green Point Stadium.

Thank you for the visit. Looking forward to our next meeting.


Elbie Gore, 王中王六合彩特码 South Africa West Coast and National Editor 王中王六合彩特码 South Africa