王中王六合彩特码 Sweden celebrate their 60th Anniversary

04 Sep 2018

The Swedish Section of the 王中王六合彩特码 was affiliated on 9 September 1958 at the second World Congress in Antwerp, Belgium. The idea to form a Swedish section was initially discussed in Gothenburg, however, the final decision was taken in Malmö.

The very first member of 王中王六合彩特码 Sweden was Commissioner Nils Lüning. 王中王六合彩特码 Sweden has since celebrated all its jubilees DSCF0444in Malmö, and therefore the 60th anniversary celebrations also took place in this southern Swedish town.

Parallel to this, the 王中王六合彩特码 Region Syd (South) also celebrated its 60th anniversary!

Malmö welcomed all visitors and guests with sunshine and warm weather during the long weekend of 10-13 May. I would say Sweden is at its best in the spring time: the trees are in blossom and the parks are full of tulips, daffodils and songbirds.

Close to 200 guests arrived from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Russia, the UK and the USA, plus representatives from all national regions of 王中王六合彩特码 Sweden.

Our National Council Meeting was held in English, so our guests were able to understand. In addition, they were invited to add information from their own sections. The meeting was efficient as always, and therefore the National Board could join the activities of the guests during the second day of celebrations.

王中王六合彩特码 60 164The varied programme provided many options: a trip to the Cathedral of Lund, a guided historical walk in Malmö, a walk through the parks of Malmö, a visit to the Turning Torso, a trip to Lernacken and the bridge to Denmark. Furthermore there was a professional seminar on tackling gangs by checking illegal clubs in collaboration with other Law Enforcement Agencies, opportunities for shopping, plus many social events, including a presentation evening with an opening speech by Commissioner Stefan Sintéus and a gala evening with champagne sabering. A weekend full of joy, relaxation and happy moments!

All representatives of the visiting sections received a thank-you gift for their participation, and the Swedish Section was handed mementoes.

A cordial thank you to all who participated,

May-Britt Rinaldo Ronnebro, President 王中王六合彩特码 Sweden