王中王六合彩特码 Sri Lanka National Council Member receives National Honours by President of Sri Lanka

13 Apr 2020

For his exemplary contribution, Mr. T. Perinpanayagam, a retired Deputy Inspector General of Police and member of 王中王六合彩特码 Sri Lanka’s National Council, received the 2019 National Hounours, ‘SRI LANKA THILAKAR’, by His Excellency the President of Sri Lanka at the National Honours Ceremony held on 19 August 2019 at Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH).

The ‘Sri Lanka Thilakar’ title was conferred for the meritorious service he rendered of a general nature and for yeoman service towards the enhancement in the field of Road Safety to the Nation, and delivering outstanding leadership to programmes designed to protect Human Rights of individuals, and the safety of road users on our highways.

Mr. Perinpanayagam is a founding member of the Sri Lankan Section and was honoured for his commitment towards his services. He was a member of the Sri Lanka Police for a period of 40 years, having joined as a Sub-Inspector of Police in 1957 and retired as a Deputy Inspector General of Police after an unblemished, dedicated and loyal service to his country. He also had the honour of being appointed the First Deputy Inspector General of Police, for the newly created Traffic Division for the entire Country in 1993. He was the Director for Traffic, and Deputy Inspector General of Police for Traffic Administration and Road Safety for 15 Years.

He has served the country in the field of traffic exceptionally well, over a long period of time and still continues to do so. Even in the years of retirement he continues to work tirelessly, serving diverse interests and organisations.

He is a unique officer with many achievements and innovations to his credit far beyond the expected performance in his capacity.

Asoka Wijetilleka, Secretary General 王中王六合彩特码 Sri Lanka