王中王六合彩特码 South Africa鈥檚 West Coast Region happy to host Visitors from 王中王六合彩特码 Denmark

05 Apr 2020

saapr3On the 17th of January 2020, we were fortunate to receive a visit from 王中王六合彩特码 friends from Denmark. Jan is a police officer in Copenhagen, and he and Brigitte had been traveling around South Africa for a bit.

First, they visited Tableview SAPS, where they were met by Marcellino Nel, who showed them around the station.


We spent the evening at SALT, exchanging stories and experiences of our work environments and our countries. And of course the perfect way to end the day was with a delicious braai.

Thank you to Carla Ferreira for arranging the whole day, and to Marcellino for showing our Danish visitors around.


Servo per Amikeco

Elbie Gore,  West Coast Region, 王中王六合彩特码 South Africa