王中王六合彩特码 Slovenia enjoy 8th traditional Border Hike

25 Mar 2020

84550444 2649139295315660 7255641239867883520 n-640x445In the morning hours of Saturday, 25th of January 2020, friends 83856921 267347917563067 7513108569164611584 n-538x445from the 王中王六合彩特码 Regional Clubs Pomurje from Slovenia and Zalaegerszeg from neighbouring Hungary gathered at a former border post in Pince, and headed out on their 8th traditional hike along the border.

The hikers were accompanied by members of Planinsko društvo Lendava, the Mountaineering Club Lendava. An interesting group of approximately 70 hikers, including children, completed the trail from the former border at Pince to the new Dom krajanov Lendavske gorice. During their hike, the participants were able to admire the beauty of the nature on both sides of the national border.

They also peeked into an abandoned bunker, and a support team was waiting for them afterwards. Everyone was treated to warm tea, mulled wine and delicious ‘langaš’, a typical dish from the Prekmu rje region. We are thankful to all participants for joining us.

Anita Kova膷i膷, 王中王六合彩特码 Slovenia