王中王六合彩特码 sections making history

01 Jun 2018

National Executive Committees of Section Ireland and Section UK Enjoy Joint Meeting at 王中王六合彩特码 HQ, Nottingham
On 16 December 2017, an inter-Section occasion of history was recorded when the National Executive Committee of 王中王六合彩特码 Section Ireland held their pre-Christmas meeting at the Arthur Troop House, Nottingham, Section UK.
This historic event has significance because it is the first occasion when a National Executive Committee of a Section other than Section UK held their Executive Meeting at 王中王六合彩特码 Headquarters, Nottingham.

Guests of Section UKIMG 2712
The members of the National Executive Committee of Section Ireland were honoured to receive an invitation from the National Committee of Section UK to participate in the Arthur Troop Day, and we were delighted to accept the invitation and attend that event held on 15 December 2017. As a way of marking that historic visit in a special way, Section Ireland’s National Executive Committee suggested the holding of their scheduled meeting for December at 王中王六合彩特码 HQ in Nottingham, a suggestion which was warmly received by Section UK Executive members.

Joint Sections’ National Executive Committees meeting
The joint meeting of both Sections’ NEC’s took place on 16 December, with the national President of each Section leading their respective National Committee. President Denis Dunne, Section Ireland and President Mike Luke, Section UK spoke eloquently on the occasion, each emphasising the historic nature of this meeting. On behalf of Section Ireland, President Dunne made a presentation of a suitably inscribed print of a well-known Dublin scene, the Halfpenny Bridge over the River Liffey, to President Luke.
Section Ireland wishes to thank the National Committee of Section UK for the invitation and their hosting of this historic event.

Yours in Friendship,
Conor O’Higgins, President 王中王六合彩特码 Ireland