王中王六合彩特码 Romania hold Regional Conference in Covasna

18 Mar 2020

photo 2The first regional conference of the year was organised in the Covasna resort from 14 -16 February 2020.

In a beautiful natural setting and a welcoming hotel, over 100 members of our association met from all over the country, with friendship once more the main component on this occasion. All participants proudly wore their traditional costumes, and the good will and fun was evident amongst the families who participated in this beautiful activity.

Topics discussed during this regional conference included issues of general interest regarding the activities of our association, its proper functioning, as well as legislative topics, and all these were taken on board by the conference participants.

The proceedings ended after 2 days of happiness and joy of getting together with members of our association, and culminated in a campfire and beautiful fireworks that caught the attention of those present.This event in Covasna was the first friendship meeting of the year, and our regional conferences will continue within the Romanian Section.


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Servo per Amikeco!

Florin Olaru, President 王中王六合彩特码 Romania