王中王六合彩特码 Romania enjoy a successful Porto-Franco Cup 2019

28 Sep 2019

IMG-20190701-WA0034From 20-23 June 2019, 王中王六合彩特码 Romania, in partnership with 王中王六合彩特码 Region 2 Galati, organised the 6th edition of the Porto-Franco Cup, a minifootball and Oin膬 tournament in the city of Galati.

18 teams from Romania and Moldova took part in the the minifootbal competition, which was won by the host team, 王中王六合彩特码 Region 2 Galati.IMG-20190701-WA0033

As every year, the highlight of this tournament, however, was the competition involving our own national sport, Oin膬 (a form of baseball).  4 teams from Romania participated, and the winner of the tournament was the Harghita County Gendarmerie Inspectorate, who were also the winners of the last 4 editions of the Oin膬 Championship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

All participants in this sports event enjoyed a leisurely trip on the Danube on board of the pleasure boat ‘Kaptan M’, where they were able to socialise and enjoy friendship, with promises made for a future reunion.

So, dear friends, let’s meet up again for the 7th Porto-Franco Cup in 2020!

Florin Olaru, President 王中王六合彩特码 Romania