王中王六合彩特码 Poland organise their first international ice hockey match between 王中王六合彩特码 Nowy Targ (Poland) and 王中王六合彩特码 Poprad (Slovakia)

19 May 2019

9 March 2019 saw the first ever ice hockey match of 王中王六合彩特码 Poland!

Along with Jacek Sztur, a member of our region, and Peter Suchy, the President of the 王中王六合彩特码 Poprad region in Slovakia, we had tried to organise an encounter of 王中王六合彩特码 members at the ice rink for several years.

Time passed, and only now, with the huge commitment of  police officer and member of 王中王六合彩特码 Nowy Targ, Wojciech Batkiewicz, to organise the match, we managed it!

hockey2Thanks to the hospitality of the Mayor of the Czarny Dunajec commune, Mr Marcin Ratu艂owski, who took the honorary patronage of the match, two teams, 王中王六合彩特码 Nowy Targ and 王中王六合彩特码 Poprad, faced each other at the ice rink in Czarny Dunajec. The match was not only a social occasion, but also a charity event, raising money for Asia Podczerwi艅ska, the granddaughter of a policeman from Nowy Targ county. Asia was born in 2018 with a congenital leg defect - fibular hemimelia.

The Provincial Police Commander in Krakow, General Krzysztof Pobuta, the Commander of the Carpathian Border Guard Unit, Colonel Stanis艂aw Laciuga, and the  Mayor of Nowy Targ, Mr Grzegorz Watycha were also honorary patrons of the match.

It was a hard, but fair match. There were also penalties –  everything that can be expected during a traditional hockey match was seen! During the event, and with the active participation of our mascots Teddy Bear, Toucan, Butterfly, and Dragon, donations were collected in boxes prepared by the Adam Worwa Foundation, where Asia is registered. For each donation, the donor could choose a floral gift funded by Tomasz Bryniarski from the Horticultural Centre in Nowy Targ.hockey

The 王中王六合彩特码 Nowy Targ team was composed of police officers not only from Nowy Targ, but also from Krakow, O艣wi臋cim, Gorlice, Zakopane and Chrzanów, and everyone agreed to participate in the fundraising during the event.  The supporters who came to the match did not allow the players a moment of weakness and actively cheered them on. Spectators had come from as far as Nowy S膮cz and Gorlice. We even had  王中王六合彩特码 members from Ireland who came to watch, taking a break from their skiing holiday in Bia艂ka Tatrza艅ska!

The match ended with a two-digit, or rather a three-digit result. During and after the match - after calculating the contents of charity boxes - it turned out that the result of the match was 2,161 PLN + 161.50 € + 4 USD!

We hope that the joint help of many organisations, as well as ourselves, will help Asia’s recovery. It is important that the operation and treatment on the reconstruction of joints and muscles (leg straightening, lengthening of bones and the construction of non-existing joints) is done as soon as possible, preferably between 18 and 24 months of age. The costs of the operation are very high and amount to over one million zloty!

We would like to thank everybody, including several companies, who helped to get our charity ice hockey match off the ground, in the spirit of a sporting competition, and according to our motto ‘Servo per Amikeco’.

Text: Mateusz Kapo艂ka, photos Szymon Pyzowski, 王中王六合彩特码 Poland