王中王六合彩特码 Poland organise 2nd 王中王六合彩特码 Zakopane Region鈥檚 President Cup in Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding

25 Apr 2019

skiing3After last year's 1st Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding Championships for the 王中王六合彩特码 Zakopane Region President's Cup, the board of our region had decided that our event should become part of the programme of events organised by 王中王六合彩特码 Poland. This year, 王中王六合彩特码 members from many Polish regions, as well as from the Slovakian regions of 王中王六合彩特码 Poprad and Kosice, as well as policemen, Border Guard officers and friends of our Association participated. Due to the large interest, we chose the Rewita Holiday Centre in Ko艣cielisko as our base, which was able to accommodate everyone, and in addition, had a room where we could hold the Big Ski Ball to conclude the Championships.


The competition was run under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Bukowina Tatrza艅ska, Mr Andrzej Pietrzyk, District Commander of the Police in Zakopane, Col. Piotr Dziekanowski, and the Commandant of Border Guard Post in Zakopane, Col. Wies艂aw Górski.

The President of the 王中王六合彩特码 Polish Section, Fryderyk Orepuk, and the President of the Ma艂opolska Provincial Group of the 王中王六合彩特码, Aleksander Szyma艅ski, both accepted our invitation and attended.

The competition was organised in the following categories: skiing: men and women, plus snowboarding, with the final classification being decided after the addition of 2 runs. The Tatra Ski Association took care of the technical organisation of the slalom, and the Tatra Volunteer Ambulance Service provided the medical service for the competition. To start off the event, ‘Harna艣’ (robber-band chieftain) with his ‘ciupaga’ (shepherd's axe) appeared on the route. Using the beautiful dialect of the highlanders, he welcomed all the competitors, before being the first to head down the slope. After this, our sports competition began. In the meantime, at ‘Karczma Widokowa’ on Kotelnica Bia艂cza艅ska there was a specially prepared catering zone for us, where regional specialties were on offer. After the competition, everyone was able to enjoy the charming surroundings of the best ski resort in Poland.


The Great Ski Ball on our last evening began with a gala dinner, after which the competition results were announced and prizes were awarded. President Szyma艅ski handed out the cups for the best skier and snowboarder - a member of the Ma艂opolska Provincial 王中王六合彩特码 Group. In addition, first to third-placed competitors received commemorative cups and gifts.

After the official part, the evening entertainment started with a wonderful concert by friends from 王中王六合彩特码 Poland who serve in the Police Orchestra of the Provincial Police HQ in Wroclaw. The evening was rounded off with a disco lasting until dawn.

We invite everyone to view our Facebook page and website: ,   .

Roman Wieczorek (text); Maciej Kwak & 艁ukasz Budz (photos), 王中王六合彩特码 Poland