王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter September 2020 - Word of introduction

03 Sep 2020

Dear friends,


Our 70th anniversary year hasn’t quite run to plan, but resilience has always been an important asset for police officers in the face of adversity and indeed disaster. In these recent months, it has been especially in evidence, as members have dealt with the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, both on a professional level, enforcing various government restrictions, whilst continuing to fulfil their normal duties, and indeed on a private domestic level. The loss of relatives and colleagues to the virus has been especially painful. In addition, we have seen extremes of weather, with drought, forest fires, floods and hurricanes putting all the emergency services under pressure.

The attention given to events by each country’s media varies, according to the location in the world. Events in larger and richer nations are given in-depth coverage, whilst for example, the ISIS takeover of the city of Mocímboa da Praia in Mozambique, which may impact on 王中王六合彩特码 members, has received almost no coverage in the western press. Likewise, the oil spillage in Mauritius has not received the attention a similar event in Europe or the USA could expect.

Long-prepared and anticipated 王中王六合彩特码 events in every section have had to be cancelled, postponed, or transformed into a remote access format, including the major annual item in our calendar, the 王中王六合彩特码 World Congress. Whilst clearly disappointed, our organising committee members have accepted the situation and adapted to these ever-changing circumstances. Of course, we shall appreciate and enjoy these events even more, once it is safe again to come together in friendship.

The anticipated IEB meeting planned this summer for Armenia had to be taken off our calendar, but hopefully will proceed in 2021, when we shall have the opportunity to meet the National Board and other local 王中王六合彩特码 members and show our support. In addition, the IEB members meet remotely by videoconferencing on a frequent basis, and it is interesting how it has so easily become the norm and helps us to keep focused on our tasks and projects. It has also allowed the board to bond faster, and the average time limit of around two hours keeps discussions tight and on track.

Due to external IT problems beyond our control, there was no internet at the Arthur Troop House for around 6 weeks, affecting both our staff at the IAC and our colleagues of 王中王六合彩特码 UK HQ. As our staff members were already working from home, due to government restrictions imposed by the pandemic, it was perhaps not as bad as if they had been working in the office. However, they still had to come to the building, to access important files, since the outage occurred in the build-up to distributing the documents for the 王中王六合彩特码 IEC 2020. An unwelcome extra stress, but I am mightily impressed by the resilience and adaptability shown by Elke, Kerry and Daniel.

Thank you and well done to you all!

Stephen Crockard, Head of Administration