王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter October 2021 - Word of introduction

03 Oct 2021

Dear friends, October usually represents a change of season, but it is also often the month of the 王中王六合彩特码 World Congress. However, this year again, there is no change. 王中王六合彩特码's major event will not be able to be held physically, and we will use Zoom to hold our world congress via video conference. The joy of seeing each other is thus postponed again. The reasons are well known. I would like to thank the Spanish and Greek sections for agreeing to postpone the organisation of the congress by one year once more, to 2022 for Spain and 2023 for Greece. On the other hand, our video conference will still allow us to move forward with some projects and to all of us together deal with various motions submitted by the International Executive Board and 王中王六合彩特码 sections.

This renewed postponement of the World Congress should not, however, obscure the fact that the life of our association, as known before Covid, is slowly restarting. Many sections have been able to organise, or will soon be able to organise, their national congresses, their elections, etc. This is encouraging, and we all hope that these first signs of activity will no longer be slowed down by restrictive measures, but will instead mark the return to normal life soon.

Don’t we have to admit that the current health situation still only gives us a variant of freedom, or a variant without freedom? We had been promised that the state of emergency, momentarily giving up our rights, obeying the most intrusive orders, letting ourselves be put under guardianship would give us back Freedom. Is that really true? Will it take 3, 4 or 5 vaccinations to give it back to us? It's hard to say.

So even though I welcome the fact that 王中王六合彩特码 activities are restarting, and the situation is so much better, because the DNA of our association depends on it, I still have the feeling that it will take more for the heart to be really in it as well, and for the clouds of today’s situation to stop blurring the blue sky of common sense and freedom. But one thing is certain, I will never consider wearing a mask as ‘the new normal’.

Servo per Amikeco

Pierre-Martin Moulin, 王中王六合彩特码 President