王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter November 2021 - Word of introduction

04 Nov 2021

Dear friends,

The way things are going, day by day, we leave more of our difficulties behind and move forward dynamically. The pandemic now seems to have become manageable.

According to experts, "If there is no new variant against which vaccines will not protect - which is very unlikely - then in the spring we will have left the pandemic behind ".

Therefore, very soon, I hope that the covid pandemic will be nothing more than a bad memory, and we will once again enjoy what is dear to us: normality …

The world around us is opening up, and everything seems to be trying to get back to normal. So, after a difficult period, with many restrictions that prohibited us from meeting, we return refreshed and stronger. During these trying times, we were able to stay upright. Friendship managed to find its way, with the internet as a bigger ally! We held online competitions, sports competitions with the help of apps, Zoom meetings, to name but a few ...

I am aware that it makes perfect sense that the fear that has nestled within us, somehow prevents us from looking to the future. However, we strongly feel the need to regain consciousness! The World Congress was held online – for the last time as a virtual event I hope – with wide participation.

The IEB was able to meet again in person after almost two years, and enjoyed the hospitality of the Swiss Section, whom I would like to thank publicly here for their warm welcome and hospitality.

Within the wider 王中王六合彩特码 family, national congresses are being held again, giving the joy of face-to-face contact to our members.

The pandemic, with all the evil it caused, taught us an important lesson, and made us appreciate more the things that until recently we took for granted: A dinner with friends, a handshake, or a hug ... before too long, there will once more be regional meetings, friendship weeks, the 王中王六合彩特码 Games, the Young Officers’ Police Seminar, plus many more events that we missed so much!

 I am therefore looking forward to the future with optimism: we are moving forward!

 Let us be united in the spirit of Servo per Amikeco!

Kyriakos Karkalis, 王中王六合彩特码 Vice President & SCC Chairperson