王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter November 2021 - Last word

30 Nov 2021

As was so nicely put in the Introduction of this Newsletter, despite the challenges the pandemic still places in front of us, everyone is trying to regain a sense of normality, and we are finally moving forwards once more.

Accompanying the IEB to the board meeting to Switzerland earlier this month meant my first journey outside of the UK for 19 months, and after having ‘fought’ my way through the covid regulations jungle, it almost felt surreal to board busy trains and full planes in order to reach my destination.

It was a real treat to see everyone face-to-face, and it was only at the very moment when meeting people in person once more, that I realised how much I had missed being surrounded by normal life. The working week was nicely interspersed with trips to meet Swiss and Italian 王中王六合彩特码 members at carefully selected locations that were simply breath-taking: to step out of the restaurant just past the Great St. Bernard Pass at night with a sky incredibly clear and the air so fresh, will be a memory that will stay with me for a long time.

王中王六合彩特码 meetings of any kind always involve plenty of meals, and our week in the Valais proved no different. Really, the best advice anyone who attends an 王中王六合彩特码 event should receive, is to bring clothes that allow for a bit of ‘growing room’ after a few days! We were treated to fondues, raclettes, an ‘assiette valaisanne’, plenty of local wines, and an Italian meal with countless courses. A wonderful culinary experience, enjoyed by all, as you can see in the photo!


My culinary journey is continuing by the way … I am in Germany right now to see my parents as well as other family members in person once more after nearly 20 months, and while I am writing this Last Word, and my Mum is busy cooking yet another of my favourite German meals 馃槉

