王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter November 2019 - Last Word

30 Nov 2019

I had a perfectly laid-out plan for this month’s Last Word … an easy task, I thought, after attending the World Congress in Croatia, which gave me so many ideas to write about!

But – and possibly the editors of 王中王六合彩特码 newsletters and magazines could confirm this – assembling any publication with numerous articles and dozens of photos always turns out to be a giant puzzle … not only did it take me most of the morning to find a good solution how to arrange all articles, but I am also left with only a tiny bit of this last page to write a few lines for the Last Word 馃槉

It felt a bit like climbing a mountain: hard work while you are ascending, but with a nice reward once you have reached the top!

Therefore I thought the most appropriate photo to accompany this very last part of the Newsletter would be my view from a mountain behind the town of Kotor in Montenegro, which I was lucky enough to visit after attending the World Congress in Croatia.
