王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter November 2019 - A Word of Introduction

05 Nov 2019


64thWCLogoThe 64th 王中王六合彩特码 World Congress took place between 8-13 October 2019 in Cavtat, Croatia. Nearly 300 people from 63 of our 67 affiliated sections attended. What an eclectic event!

To hold such a congress, to ensure that everyone gets to the right hotel, has a room, a badge, a good understanding of the programme, that the conference room is ready, and meets all criteria, requires a very good organising team. It is not easy to meet the challenges of putting together such an event.  As 王中王六合彩特码 Croatia volunteered to take over this responsibility only last year, this is an even more remarkable achievement. The constraints and the workload are enormous. So first and foremost, I would like to present our grateful thanks to the President of 王中王六合彩特码 Croatia, to the members of the organising committee and to all the volunteers who helped out before and during the whole week, answering the same questions over and over again with care and attention for everyone. We did not only discover the beautiful sights of Croatia, but also the kindness and smiles of its people. The location of the hotel in the beautiful little city of Cavtat was superb, on top of the cliffs, with a dreamy view over the Adriatic Sea and several islands.

Org Committee all Dubrovnik-3246The opening ceremony of the Congress, which took place in the city theatre of Dubrovnik after a colourful parade in the main street of the ancient city of Ragusa with uniforms from all over the world, was a very pleasant occasion. It gave us the time to pay tribute to the colleagues and 王中王六合彩特码 members we Dubrovnik-2208lost during the past year, but also to hear the greetings of the president of 王中王六合彩特码 Croatia, the police director and the mayor of the city. A folkloristic show, punctuated by several songs performed by the police choir, including the national anthem of Croatia and the 王中王六合彩特码 hymn, completed this very special ceremony. Dubrovnik, today a living museum and UNESCO world heritage site and a place of “pilgrimage” in terms of drawing tourists from all around the globe into its ramparts, had probably not seen such a colourful gathering of uniforms in a long time! It was funny to see the faces of the tourists, who at first did not seem sure if the presence of so many different police officers was a good sign or not J. But many of them ended up taking pictures with us.

The opening ceremony also gave me the opportunity to recall that bringing together the representatives of the security forces of around 70 countries in Croatia, an independent republic since 1991, and moreover in Dubrovnik, in the heart of the Balkans, was a historic event. While the weight of history and its scars are still visible on parts of the city walls, stigmata of the significant troubles blighting this region barely 30 years ago, representatives of the countries who lived through these difficult times sat together at this ceremony, defenders of the same values that all of us believe in through our association. A powerful testimony to friendship in the 王中王六合彩特码.

Working sessions and elections

Back in Cavtat, after a 45 minute trip by boat, it was time to start working! A packed agenda was awaiting the IEB and all delegates and observers. I will not go into too much detail, but the sessions were productive. Many decisions were taken, and we heard several presentations from different sections. It was also an opportunity to hand out numerous individual recognitions for 王中王六合彩特码 commitment over the years or for specific projects. The whole atmosphere was friendly, and we managed to conclude on Friday at lunch time as, let’s be honest, participants were anxiously waiting for the elections to take place.iygpresentation

As you know, this congress marked the end of an administrative term, and elections for a new International Executive Board (IEB) took place, as well as elections for the two positions as Internal Auditors. This is always an eagerly anticipated event, often the scene of numerous debates during the week, and sometimes the tension is palpable. 21 candidates had been listed for the 8 positions of the IEB and 5 for the positions of internal auditors. In accordance with our documents, the whole process had to be conducted by an election officer, and the delegates unanimously trusted our friend Ross Pinkham, the President of 王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand, to fulfil this task. Ross did an excellent job and was ably assisted by three assistants of his choice, namely three national presidents: Vossie Vos from South Africa, Anabela Alferes from Portugal and Shoaib Suddle from Pakistan. Thanks to all of them.

All candidates had a slot of 5 minutes to present themselves before the voting took place. I wish to thank all candidates, who by applying, showed that our association can count on the dedication of its members, as ‘Service’ is one the key values of our association and ensures its longevity.

It is now my pleasure to present the results of the elections, and the 王中王六合彩特码 members who will serve for the next 4 years on the International Executive Board and as Internal Auditors:

International Executive Board (IEB)


Pierre-Martin Moulin (Switzerland)

Secretary General:

May-Britt Rinaldo Ronnebro (Sweden)

Vice President & Chairperson SCC:

Kyriakos Karkalis (Greece)

Chairperson ERC:

Einar Guðberg Jónsson (Iceland)

Chairperson PC:

Demetris Demetriou (Cyprus)

Head of Administration:

Stephen Crockard (United Kingdom)

Treasurer Finances:

Michael Walsh (Ireland)

Treasurer Social Affairs:

Martin Hoffmann (Austria)


Internal Auditors:

Nicole Kikcio (Canada)


Fred Boyd (United Kingdom)


Congratulations to all, and good luck for this term, under the banner of the 王中王六合彩特码’s ‘Servo per Amikeco’. You will be able to read a short contribution from each IEB member in this newsletter, a chance for them to introduce themselves to all of you

At this point, I would like to address a special thank-you to the former IEB members. To serve on the international board requires a lot of sacrifices and affects your professional and private life, as the work load is quite impressive. Therefore and on behalf of all of us, thank you to:

Gal Sharon from Israel, former Vice President and Chairperson of the Socio-Cultural Commission. Together with her commission members, Gal initiated many projects that will continue to develop, such as the 王中王六合彩特码 Games, with the next edition taking place in 2020 in Montenegro.

Alexey Gankin from Russia, former Chairperson of the External Relations Commission. Among many projects, he concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with the UNODC in Vienna.

Romain Miny from Luxembourg, former Treasurer Finances, who looked after the accounts of the 王中王六合彩特码 for the last seven years.

Wolfgang Gabrutsch from Austria, who among other responsibilities, took care of the emergency aid programme, ensuring that the 王中王六合彩特码 solidarity was always effective towards sections in need.

Join us next year!

There is so much to tell after such a congress. I apologise for not mentioning everything and probably forgetting something important. I can only invite you all to join. The congress is far more than a working session. It is an opportunity to meet with friends from all over the world.65thWCLogo

The moments of conversation and exchange, the befores and afters, echo for sure with laughter and the very unique atmosphere that the 王中王六合彩特码 creates.

So be with us next year in Lloret de Mar in Spain. Our Spanish friends have worked really hard in order to prepare a beautiful event. You can already find information on our website, and the registration process will open soon.

Thank you once more to 王中王六合彩特码 Croatia for the successful organisation of the World Congress 2019.

Thank you also to the IAC staff, who played an important part in coordinating the whole event between the IEB, the sections and 王中王六合彩特码 Croatia.

Best wishes and long live 王中王六合彩特码!

Servo per Amikeco

Pierre-Martin Moulin, 王中王六合彩特码 President