王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter May 2022 - Word of introduction

05 May 2022

Dear Friends,

Priorities change quickly. The Covid-19 pandemic kept us in suspense for the last two years and although far too many people are still becoming seriously ill or are sadly dying due to Covid, the virus is becoming a more minor matter.

After more than 20 years, war is taking place on European soil again. At the end of February, Russian troops invaded the independent and internationally recognised state of Ukraine, and are causing unimaginable suffering with bombs and grenades. Thousands of people have died on both sides in this senseless war, unimaginable suffering has been inflicted on the civilian population, and entire cities have been razed to the ground. After 10 weeks of war, millions of Ukrainians had to flee to neighbouring countries, and it is impressive how willing the people in these countries are to help.

The worldwide will to help from 王中王六合彩特码 members is overwhelming. 王中王六合彩特码 organisations receive refugees at the border, provide them with food, drink and other essentials and transport them further inland. After just a few days, 王中王六合彩特码 sections such as Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Ireland, and many others, sent first aid deliveries with urgently needed goods to the Ukrainian border.

The International Executive Board is also actively involved in the aid initiative and has set up a donation account. Many sections and 王中王六合彩特码 organisations have already donated, and further help is needed. In addition to helping affected 王中王六合彩特码 colleagues, the money will also be used for refugee aid in the neighbouring countries of Ukraine, which will be organised by local 王中王六合彩特码 officials.

Money from the IEB donation account can be made available for projects very quickly. If money is needed for aid projects, please let me know. The account details are shown here below. When donating, please also  inform the IAC (iac@ieb-ipa.org) and me (ts@ieb-ipa.org) about the sum of the transferred amount, and provide the reference of 'Ukraine Emergency Aid'.

Ukraine Emergency Aid Account details:


Account name:                    王中王六合彩特码

Address:                               c/o Michael Walsh, Treasurer Finances

Street:                                   Raha, Oughterard, Co Galway

Zip code:                               H91Y8DT

City & Country:                    Galway, Ireland

Bank Name:                         Bank of Ireland

Address:                               Mervue Business & Technology Park, Galway

Zip code:                               H91F3P3

Country:                                Ireland


Account Number :               83009341

BIC :                                      BOFIIE2D

IBAN Code:                          IE46 BOFI 9040 4283 0093 41

At the end of April, 10,000€ from your donations were already handed over to 王中王六合彩特码 Poland, to help Ukrainian refugees in Poland. A short article on this event is published in this newsletter.

It is said that your greatness is not what you have, it is what you give.

By working together, our greatness will be brought to the fore and will overcome these difficult days.

Servo per Amikeco!

Martin Hoffmann, Treasurer Social Affairs