王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter January 2022 - Word of introduction

09 Jan 2022

Another year has passed …

Dear friends, now, when yet another year has passed, it is always good to reflect on the year gone by. Again, we were in a state of emergency all over the world because of Covid-19. However, a lot was done over the year. We saw a brighter light mid-year and hoped in our hearts that the pandemic would be on the decline.

Sections held many events and finally, people came together in friendship and harmony. For that we are thankful. The IEB managed to meet finally in person, and it made me very happy that we were able to work together and finish several projects. Unfortunately, by the end of the year, we got bad news again that infections are on the rise worldwide.

However, looking forward is the way we should always look. At least I am looking with optimistic eyes on this new year. We have a lot of work to do to pick up where we left things back in 2020. I believe that this new year 2022 will be much better, and by spring this pandemic will be retreating, and life will turn to normal again.

But what is a normal life? Maybe this pandemic has taught us more adaptability, not that police personnel aren’t used to adapting themselves in all sorts of situations. But the pandemic has also taught us to enjoy being with our loved ones and embrace it when we are able to meet old friends once more. I think we take fewer things for granted in this time and age.

I at least want to look forward, and I know the IEB does so too. There are a lot of things we want to accomplish in the new year. We hope that we finally get to hold our World Congress in Spain and enjoy their famous hospitality, meet in person and greet old friends, as well as make new ones. I truly hope also that Gimborn will be 100% operational as soon as possible, so our members can enjoy time there and gain new knowledge.

On a personal note, the year 2021 was better than 2020, and I know that 2022 will be much better. I am very sure that I will get to meet many of you this year to catch up and have some much-needed conversation about everything and nothing.

I wish you and your families and friends a Happy New Year, and let´s welcome 2022 with open arms and optimism.

Servo per Amikeco,

Einar Guðberg Jónsson, Chairperson of the External Relations Commission