王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter February 2020 - Word of introduction

06 Feb 2020

Dear friends,

Another IEB term has begun. Unity, as expressed during the 64th 王中王六合彩特码 World Congress held in Dubrovnik, achieved through effective dialogue, is the key asset of this board in the challenging tasks it has undertaken. From the delegates, there was a clear statement of support for the actions of the previous four years, and proposals were made for the term ahead.

The new IEB is made up of old members armed with their valuable experience, and new members with fresh ideas and a willingness to work! A common feature of all of us is our love for the 王中王六合彩特码, altruism and the willingness to offer!

The new board is expecting a lot of work! We will be assisted in this endeavour by valuable colleagues, who have been appointed by the IEB as commission members, and who have been assigned to carry out difficult but important projects. At the same time, other colleagues who offered to help, remain in our ‘reserve pool’ for future projects.

Travel, education, sports, humanitarian activities, youth gatherings, art exhibitions, collaborations with international organisations: there are many opportunities and benefits for active or retired colleagues. 2020 is a year full of activities, such as:

  • 王中王六合彩特码 Games, a global celebration of the ideal of sport and friendship
  • Hosting Sections’ Meeting, gathering sections to focus on hosting and hospitality
  • Photo competition that allow us to express our artistic side
  • Children's painting competition, to bring our families closer to the values of our Association
  • 70th anniversary of the 王中王六合彩特码, global action to bring the 王中王六合彩特码 closer to society and citizens

The 王中王六合彩特码, at the time of its 70th anniversary, is entering a new era. With a grand plan, pioneering actions, and with a perspective to the future. In this endeavour, no one is left out.

In February, we will officially welcome another section in foundation: Albania. At the same time, actions are being taken to integrate other countries into our large family and to create more national sections.

Our goal is to extend the 王中王六合彩特码 even more, so that it spreads all over the world. Always faithful to the principles and values of our founder Arthur Troop, to maintain unity, to listen to the concerns of our members, and to guide our historic association where it deserves to go: TO THE TOP!

Kyriakos Karkalis, 王中王六合彩特码 Vice President & Chairperson of the SCC