王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter April 2020 - Last word

30 Apr 2020

Amazing how fast life as we know it can change. If anyone had told me at the end of 2019 that in the first quarter of the new year, a pandemic would spread across the world in a matter of weeks, I would not have believed it. Strangely enough, my dissertation at university – now quite a few years ago – dealt with catastrophes, and the various ways humanity copes with these …

I try to look at things day by day and aim to mainly look at the positive side of things. I count myself lucky that in addition to my husband, my 3 adult kids are here with us at home right now, and we get to spend so much more time with each other than we usually do! We enjoy playing board games, and even our old Wii has come back out, keeping us all entertained 馃槉

In the UK, we are now in our second week of lockdown, a word I did not even know a few weeks ago … For the IAC, this has meant a few changes: Kerry, Daniel and I had to adjust to working from home from one day to the next. All of us have a laptop or desktop to work with, we have ensured that we have access to our work files, and we keep in visual contact with several WhatsApp group video chats a day. It is ‘do-able’, although we are a bit slower to respond than usually, and I hope you bear with us throughout this period, where the Newsletter will also be shorter for a while.

‘Do-able’ for sure, but it has shown me – even in this very first week of confinement – that I miss being with Kerry and Daniel at the IAC, as well as with our colleagues from Section UK across the corridor. In short: I miss spending my working days at the Arthur Troop House!

The positive in all of this for me is that I will appreciate ‘normal’ daily life a lot more once we get through this unprecedented time: going out, eating in restaurants, enjoying a concert, doing as much sports outside as you wish.

Most of all, though, I will cherish that I will be able to meet up with people, be that family not living in our household, friends, or neighbours. In short, I will appreciate Friendship, the core value of the 王中王六合彩特码, so much more.
