王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand members fly the flag of hospitality

01 Feb 2018

Napier (27) (2)November 2017 found Shirley and I, along with two other family members, in New Zealand to fullfil a lifetime plan, having retired in 2000.

王中王六合彩特码 member Ross Pinkham, National President of 王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand, along with Alan Monk, certainly raised the hospitality flag in our honour.

They used two vehicles to take the four of us on a fantastic tour of Napier, North Island.  We were shown the most beautiful panoramic sights with a detailed history of Napier since the 1931 Hawkes Bay earthquake.

Napier's buildings have been re-modelled in Art Deco style and are most impressive.

We had a tight scheduled return time to the port for departure.  However, Ross and Alan managed to fit in a wine tasting session at Ashridge vineyard.

Ross and Alan made our experience in Napier a very enjoyable one for which we thank them.

Roger Sharp, 王中王六合彩特码 UK, with Shirley, Heather & John