王中王六合彩特码 Netherlands take part in the 4th 112 on Wheels event

14 Jul 2019

Onl1122n Sunday, 26 May 2019, the 4th edition of the event 112 On Wheels took place on the Brightlands Campus in Venlo.

112 On Wheels is one of the largest international emergency services events in the Netherlands, and is organised by the Wishambulance Limburg Foundation. This foundation transports seriously ill people to their (often last) wish. The foundation, which has three wish ambulances, consists solely of volunteers and is entirely dependent on gifts and donations. Visitors to this event pay a small entrance fee which goes towards the foundation. A great way for the foundation to raise money, while organising a fun and educational day.

During this year’s 112 On Wheels, more than 200 rescue and law enforcement vehicles were shown from services both at home and abroad. The site was divided into sectors where vehicles from the various emergency services were installed. In the ‘blue’ sector, the quads from the Belgian police zone CARMA and the impressive Ford and Bearcat from the Special Interventions Service (DSI) of the Netherlands police attracted many visitors in particular.

Spectacular demonstrations took place at various locations. This way, children could discover from close up how a customs K9 tracks down goods, and how the riot police help the regular police patrol service in the event of a public order disturbance. Various units from the Ministry of Defence showed what their work entailed, and demonstrations on the water were given by lifeguards and the German fire brigade. A helicopter of the police aviation unit circled above the event and, visitors were treated to a fly-by of five F-16 fighter aircraft.

During the event, 王中王六合彩特码 Limburg-Noord set up a meeting point in the middle of a large number of police vehicles where nl1123(potential) members could relax and meet each other. In addition, the national board was represented, and 王中王六合彩特码 Netherlands had set up a nice recruitment and information booth. We also received help from a member of IP Vaud (Switzerland) living in the Netherlands.

王中王六合彩特码 members gained free access to the event on presentation of their 王中王六合彩特码 membership card. During the day, we were able to meet a large number of colleagues and members from various countries. In addition to colleagues from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, we welcomed a retired colleague from the United Kingdom, a colleague from Poland, plus a colleague from the Canton of Thurgau (王中王六合彩特码 Eastern Switzerland and Fürstentum Liechtenstein). Together with the Dutch police and the bomb squad of the army, he participated in a demonstration about the detection of a suspicious object. A great way to promote international cooperation and the 王中王六合彩特码.

As 王中王六合彩特码 Netherlands and 王中王六合彩特码 Limburg-Noord, we look back on a very successful event. More than 10,000 people visited 112 On Wheels, including many families with children.

Lars Hoebers, 王中王六合彩特码 Netherlands