王中王六合彩特码 Malta celebrate their 54th anniversary

01 Jun 2018

Malta became a full member of the 王中王六合彩特码 on 30 April 1964 during the World Congress held in Blackpool. Our 54th Anniversary celebrations kicked off on 14 April with a Tactical Shooting competition, followed by an anniversary dinner on 20 April, an overseas trip to Sicily for a lovely day full of sightseeing, shopping and fine Sicilian dining on 28 April and the 王中王六合彩特码 Thanksgiving Holy Mass on 6 May where the Police Chaplin, who is also a committee member, officiated and blessed all present. After the mass, everyone was invited for the cutting of a commemoration cake and refreshments.

shooting eventAnniversary shooting competition: In gale force winds our participants threw caution to the wind. The event was held at the police outdoor shooting range at Ta' Kandja. This competition formed part 1 of 4 where 王中王六合彩特码 Malta will be choosing its team to compete during the 3rd 王中王六合彩特码 Malta International Shooting Competition to be held in Malta in 2019. All 20 participants were thoroughly briefed for this tactical shooting competition by RCO and Committee member PS Patrick Cassar, who was assisted by RCO PC Ryan Schembri. Through the spirit of 王中王六合彩特码 friendship all those attending enjoyed their participation, evidently expressing their love for the sport. A very high level of performance was achieved and the winning participant was Mr Cedric Camilleri, followed by Mr Mark Cassar in second place and Mr Chris Stafrace in third place. The committee would like to thank the Commissioner, Mr Lawrence Cutajar, for permitting the use of the Shooting Range at Ta' Kandja. A word of thanks also goes to all participants and helpers who were instrumental for this event to be a success. Last but not least thank you to the official sponsor, Red Tracer, who shall be with us throughout all 4 events and also at ‘The IdinnerPA Malta 2019 International Shooting Competition’.

Anniversary dinner: Our Anniversary Buffet Dinner was held on 20 April 2018 at the Seashells Resort at Suncert AX Hotels in St Paul’s Bay. A huge attendance of 100 + enjoyed the lavish buffet dinner and participated in the fundraising raffle in aid of our section. All committee members reached out to cut the commemoration cake.

Anniversary day trip to Sicily: Anchors away, for on 28 April we set sail by Catamaran to neighbouring Sicily for a day trip! 50 participants joined together for this lovely 王中王六合彩特码 adventure. The day started early as we boarded the boat and set off having the luxury to view the magnificent sunrise over the horizon. We travelled by coach and started off with coffee & croissants at Pozallo, followed by the ‘Fiera di Vittoria’, a huge flea-market for some shopping. Our lunch break was taken in the Ragusa province at the lovely family-run restaurant 'Al Giardino di Bianca' where we were treated to a typical Sicilian lunch complete with coffee and the delicious canollo siciliano. In an adjoining room, all present could view an impressive model complete with valleys, hills, caves, trees, pathways strewn with sawdust and streams of running water – depicting a Palestinian scene at the time of the Passion of Christ. Another shopping stop at the ‘Centro Commerciale Ipercoop Ibleo’ followed before we drove through the old town of Modica, famously known for its local chocolate produce. Last but not least, we headed back to Pozallo for a farewell ice cream break and boarded the boat home. Our thanks go to all participants, Joe Micallef Travel for their sterling organisation, and to 王中王六合彩特码 Malta for making this a memorable trip.

Visit from a colleague of 王中王六合彩特码 Wroc艂aw, Poland: During the anniversary days we were pleased to have a visit at Police GHQ from Bartlomiej Majchrzak, a young serving police officer from Poland who is the current Chairman of 王中王六合彩特码 Wroc艂aw. Bart and his wife were in Malta for a holiday. The relations between 王中王六合彩特码 Poland and Malta have always been good, and our section had sent a delegation to Poland a few years back to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Polish Section. Current issues, in particular the difficulties faced by small sections like ours and how to try and tackle these in the best way possible way were discussed. Bartlomeij was very interested in our section and headquarters and had prepared himself well for this visit. He knew all about the set-up of our Police and Crime Museum and extended his invitation for any of our members who wish to visit Wroc艂aw. 王中王六合彩特码 mementoes were exchanged and photos near the Police Monument taken to record this visit for our members.

Joseph Mamo, Committee member 王中王六合彩特码 Malta