王中王六合彩特码 Kenya hold National Congress 2020

14 Mar 2020

Delegates from the eight regions of the Kenyan Section gathered at the Lions Complex Auditorium in Loresho, Nairobi, for this year’s National Congress. The delegates, mostly comprising the 王中王六合彩特码 elected leadership from the regions and also key partners drawn from the business community, hospitals and other charitable organisations, were all set for the discussions. The Lions SightFirst Eye Hospital, Nairobi has had a mutually beneficial relationship with 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya for a long time, and has over the years offered the use of their conference facilities at no cost.

In his opening address, the 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya President, Mr. Alfred Osur, asked the regional leadership to first and foremost work on promoting the association’s motto, ‘Servo Per Amikeco’. Mr. Osur said that unless each and every member purposes in their heart to have genuine friendship with each other, police officers, both serving and retired may not see the need to join the association.


The section’s President noted that ‘the performance report for 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya in the year 2019 was commendable, despite the common challenges which I believe all of us will rightly appreciate’. The following were some of the notable activities we participated in: A hiking exercise at Lukenya, Athi River, in Machakos County, Gender Based Violence Training with our partners GBVRC and the NPS in Nairobi, Nakuru and Kilifi Counties respectively, national retreat at the Kenya Bay Beach Hotel, a visit to four children’s homes, ‘My Tree, My Peace, My Future’ season 2, national shooting competition, environmental day clean-up exercise in partnership with the Nairobi City County Government, and assistance to 5 members amounting to USD 5000. ‘Equally, I urge all registered members to establish tight networks so that we are available for each other, especially in times of need. Finally, I urge all members to try and bring on board at least one more friend this year; this is the surest way to make our Association grow and prosper’ said the President in his closing remarks.

The chief guest, Mr. Mohamed Amin, AIG, who represented the Inspector General, Mr. Hillary Mutyambai at the function, mentioned that the National Police Service acknowledged and appreciated the excellent work 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya was doing in all regions in partnership with the National Police Service. The Inspector General particularly noted that the tree planting exercise initiated by 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya had greatly enhanced community policing initiatives, as local police commanders joined hands with local communities to preserve the environment. He mentioned that such forums were necessary for a good working relationship between the police and the community, and that the Kenyan Section had been instrumental in their creation; he was very grateful. Mr. Amin said that he was personally impressed by the level of organisation and the maturity of conduct he had witnessed in the association.

The Inspector General urged members of the association to lead by example in their work stations. He said that if members of the association chose to be exemplary in their conduct, they could create a positive influence leading to behaviour change among fellow officers. The Inspector General gave his personal commitment to work closely with the 王中王六合彩特码 Kenyan leadership for the greater good of the Section and that of the National Police Service.

At the end of the deliberations, the National Congress attendees were in agreement that our section was on an upward trajectory, and we could only make it better by doing more for our friends and the immediate communities. Activities identified for speedy implementation were: Visit to police officers undergoing rehabilitation and recovering from alcoholism and stress-related conditions. The members also resolved to support secondary school girls in need with school uniforms, fees and sanitary towels to make sure that their learning is not interrupted. The two activities will be in addition to our regular annual events, which shall continue as planned.

The matter of the 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya 2020 Friendship Week, 7-13 June was discussed extensively. The working committees were instituted to begin work in earnest and to ensure that Section Kenya delivers the best Friendship Week ever. Additionally, individual members and organisations pledged to give time and resources towards this great event, and once again tasked the National Executive Board to invite the world to Kenya, which I hereby do:


Jared Ojuok, Secretary General 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya