王中王六合彩特码 Kenya conduct Seminar on Gender Based Violence Prevention and Effective Response

17 Apr 2019

王中王六合彩特码 Kenya organised a 3-day seminar from 25-27 February 2019 in partnership with the Gender Violence Recovery Centre.  The seminar, which drew participants from the National Police Service, medical practitioners, faith-based organisations, community-based organisations and the National Government Administration, was conducted at the Swiss Lenana Mount Hotel, Nairobi. A total of 54 participants attended, 30 of whom were serving officers and the remaining 24 were stakeholders from other sectors.

The Gender Violence Recovery Centre (GVRC) is a charitable trust of the Nairobi Women’s Hospital Group. The centre provides free medical treatment and psychosocial support to survivors of gender based violence (GBV), more specifically sexual and domestic violence. Following consultative meetings with 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya, the two organisations formalised an agreement to conduct a multi-sectoral training event involving police officers alongside other stakeholders, to enhance the understanding of mutual problems faced in resolving gender-related crimes.


In his keynote address, 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya’s President Alfred Osur noted that the involvement of all stakeholders was essential in the realisation of effective community policing. He said that gender violence was prevalent in the communities, and  that the best way to combat it was by ensuring that every person in positions of responsibility was adequately equipped with effective response and prevention knowledge. He praised the Chief Executive Officer of the Trust, Ms. Alberta Wambua for the mutually beneficial partnership with the 王中王六合彩特码, and said that similar programmes would be conducted in selected regions across the country in the future.

The seminar topics included: primary prevention and advocacy, understanding the causes and drivers of GBV, outlining the existing legal framework on prevention and response to gender based violence offences, understanding the systematic process in the investigation of GBV cases and incidents, understanding the fundamental principles in handling of GBV survivors, and understanding the referral structure in the management of GBV.

The seminar also took the participants through the role of various stakeholders in prevention and response to GBV. The participants confirmed that they had benefitted and were thoroughly equipped with: understanding and ability to identify the various types of gender-based violence, basic counselling skills, fundamental principles in handling GBV survivors, and how to interview children survivors.

Meanwhile, the Kenyan Section held the 2019 National Congress, led by the Section’s President, Mr Alfred Osur, on 22 February at the Lions Complex Auditorium, Loresho in Nairobi.

Jared Ojuok, Secretary General 王中王六合彩特码 Kenya