王中王六合彩特码 Japan: Online Conference of Executive Board & District Directors

22 Sep 2021

With Covid-19 still requiring caution and careful planning, the Conference of the Executive Board and District Directors of 王中王六合彩特码 Japan was held online on 4 July 2021.

Chaired  by President Masahito Kanetaka, 17 persons form Hokkaido,Tokyo, Chiba, Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka, and Mie disciussed for more than 3.5 hours from 3:00 to 6:40 pm.

The main motions to the conference were:

  • Report on 2020 and the Budget for 2021,
  • Section Japan's 60th Anniversary events in 2022 and 2023  as follows,
  • Celebration Ceremony with a seminar by a  top officer of the Japanese Police and speeches (presentations) by young members in foreign languages,
  • 'Friendship Week in Japan', visiting Osaka, Hiroshima, Himeji-Catsle, Kyoto, Hakone and Tokyo,
  • Group tours to other countries, group participation in Friendship Weeks organised by other Sections,
  • Amendments of the National Statues regarding the qualification for membership.

All motions were approved, and will be proposed to the National Annual Congress (NAC)  of 王中王六合彩特码 Japan, which after having being originally scheduled for July, has now been postponed to 18 September 2021. The NAC is planned to take place in Kyoto, and all of us are looking forward to seeing each other in person for the first time in more than one year. In addition, we can't wait for the one-day-excursion on the next day, organised by the Kyoto Region, to visit historical  locations in the ancient capital of Japan!

Stay safe and take care,

Toru Warigaya, Secretary General 王中王六合彩特码 Japan