王中王六合彩特码 Iceland - New National Board

13 Jul 2021

Dear friends,ice1

In a small section where capacity is limited, Section Iceland was very proud to be heading into the third year (2020) in a row, where we would provide a professional seminar for our members. Then Covid happened and everything was cancelled.

As I mentioned in the 70th anniversary edition of the 王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter, I started the year 2020 in the Dominican Republic on vacation, and even though it’s only been 15 months, it feels like decades ago.

It was therefore with some relief that we finally were able to schedule and hold our annual meeting on 28th May 2021. The meeting had been cancelled three times, but there was no stopping it this time, and an online meeting was something we did not want to do. Restrictions had been set at 150 people gatherings, and with all police officers vaccinated we could share a space, stories, and some well-deserved refreshments.

As if Covid wasn’t enough, we had to deal with nature as well, which is turning out to be very good PR for Iceland with coverage even in American news programmes: A volcanic eruption started in the Reykjanes peninsula in March of this year, a few kilometres from the town of Grindavík. First responders have had their hands full dealing with all kinds of logistical issues concerning the eruption area, since it’s a fairly easy hike to reach the edge of the lava flow. Thousands have hiked to the area to enjoy the view. It’s very “strategically” located and is, so far, not threatening our daily life. However, if it continues, there are some challenges to deal with in the immediate area, and in the future, for the Reykjanes peninsula as well. If you are able to travel to Iceland soon, this is something that I recommend to everyone to see.

That said, these challenges sound somewhat like “first world problems”, when we look at the effects of Covid around the world, conflict areas and other challenges many nations around the world have to deal with.

Let’s turn our attention again to the annual meeting.


We had secured a local sports bar with a room capacity of around 100 people. Due to a very good budget, we were able to offer free drinks all night. There was a decent turnout of about 45 officers, and some new members were recruited.

In attendance were Kristján Kristjánsson and Friðrik Gunnarsson, former presidents of the section, and Árni Pálsson, former secretary general.

Section Iceland´s annual meetings usually last around 35 minutes. This meeting turned out be one of the longest in history, as it lasted approximately 55 minutes.

We honoured Árni and Sveinbjörn Ólafur Ragnarsson for their contribution to the 王中王六合彩特码. We also had the opportunity to give Hallgrímur Hallgrímsson his 1st place certificate for the 王中王六合彩特码 Photo Competition. Hallgrímur donated his prize to the Police Officers’ Aid Fund. Well done, Hallgrímur, and sincere thanks to Árni and Sveinbjörn for all their contribution to the 王中王六合彩特码.

This was also an election year for all positions. President, Secretary General and Treasurer are elected for 3 years, and other board members for 1 year.

 The following police officers (all on active duty) are on the new board for the years 2021-2022 (2024):

Baldur Ólafsson, President, Sgt Patrol Div, Reykjavik

Hildigunnur Jónasdóttir, Secretary General, Detective, Human Trafficking

Gunnar Helgi Stefánsson, Treasurer, Sgt Patrol Div, Reykjavik.


Selma Sigurbjörnsdóttir, Detective in Akureyri

Friðjón Ingi Sigurjónsson, Sgt Patrol Division, Reykjavik

Gunnar Scheving, Sgt, Training/Operations and Patrol, Reykjavik

Hinrik Konráðsson, Sgt West Iceland Police (Ólafsvík)

Hrannar Þór Arason, Lt. Intelligence Div.

Arnar Þór Egilsson, Sgt. Special Ops, EOD/Diver/Drones

Eiríkur B. Ragnarsson, Lt. District Prosecutor, Investigations.

Section Iceland is aiming to host a professional seminar for its members no later than during the annual meeting next year. We have had a good relationship with local police associations that help us with the cost of such events. We have always invited all police officers to these seminars, regardless of 王中王六合彩特码 membership, as well as to the social event after the annual meetings. We use this as a tool to recruit new members. We hope that we can get more of the local police associations to cooperate with us, and provide training and education that benefits all officers.

One of my first presidential activities was to guide Craig Philbin, President of Section Gibraltar, and his daughter Katie, to the volcano. Craig and Katie were on a visit to Iceland, and I am very happy that I was able to assist them and carry out the 王中王六合彩特码 spirit.


Einar Guðberg Jónsson stepped down as President of Section Iceland. Einar joined the 王中王六合彩特码 in 2001 and was elected to the national board in 2006 as treasurer. That year Einar encouraged me to join the 王中王六合彩特码, and I took a seat on the board at the same time.

In 2012, Einar ran for President of Section Iceland and has held that position until now. Einar was elected to the IEB at the World Congress in Dubrovnik and decided that this would be his last term as president of Section Iceland.

Einar has done excellent work for Section Iceland, and will continue to support our section as well as all sections with his work with the IEB as Chair of the External Relations Commission. We have travelled all over the world together to attend 王中王六合彩特码 events and have gathered great experiences in the 王中王六合彩特码 world. Congratulations, Einar, and I´ll do my best, but I don’t fit in your footsteps.

Section Iceland sends its best to 王中王六合彩特码 members and their families around the world. Let us hope we can see each other very soon!

Servo per Amikeco.


Baldur Ólafsson, President 王中王六合彩特码 Iceland