王中王六合彩特码 House Biggesee, Olpe, Germany

15 Jun 2017

The 王中王六合彩特码 House, Biggesee stands alone on a hillside plot and is located directly on the Biggesee Lake, close to the town of Olpe which can be reached easily by Motorway via the Olpe Intersection or the Federal Highway 54/55. The region is ideal for those seeking relaxation, hikers and winter sports enthusiasts.

The 王中王六合彩特码 House comprises 7 rooms and accommodates 18 people. Room arrangements are as follows: 2 x four-bed-rooms, 1 x three-bed-room, 3 x double bed-rooms and 1 x single-bed-room. Some bedrooms offer a view of the lake.

王中王六合彩特码 Biggesee is fully equipped with bathrooms, shower, toilets, kitchen, central heating and there is a sheltered grill outside.


Bed linen is available at a small extra charge or you may bring your own.

Additionally, the 王中王六合彩特码 House has a clubroom, a large reception, bar and barbeque. Swimming pool facilities are available nearby.

From October to May an additional cost is charged for the heating.

王中王六合彩特码 House Biggesee is ideally situated for walking, water sports, cycling, as well as fishing, and ski slopes are within easy reach.


Contact Details & Bookings:

  • House Manager:     Stephan Clemens
  • Address:                 Ronnewinkel 2, 57462 Olpe/Biggesee
  • Reservations:          Stephan Clemens
  • Tel:                         +49 (0) 2761 3883
  • Mobile:                     N/A
  • Email:                      stephan.clemens@polizei.nrw.de
  • Website:                 


Hubert Vitt, 1st Vice President and Editor 王中王六合彩特码 Germany