王中王六合彩特码 Greece hold lecture on the hazardous custom of shooting

01 Jun 2018

10esper (2)On 10 May 2018, 王中王六合彩特码 Greece organised a lecture in the city of Aghios Nikolaos on the island of Crete, with the topic of ‘Illegal Weapons - Aerial Shooting: custom or crime?’ On the beautiful island of Crete, the custom of firing shots into the air during weddings, christenings and other moments of joy has been a long-standing tradition. As members of 王中王六合彩特码 and as police officers, we sent a clear message from Aghios Nikolaos against shooting unnecessarily, because weapons are not a toy. Only unpleasant and often tragic outcomes have been brought about by this practice.

The ‘Balothies’, as they are called in the local dialect, a custom designed to express joy, have cost the lives of many people, and joyful events have been transformed into tragedies, with victims including children, relatives, friends, or even the bride.

Therefore we recommend that the use of weapons be restricted to safe and legal locations, such as shooting ranges.

We stress that Crete, which is one of the most important tourist destinations of our country, is a safe island for those who visit and enjoy Cretan hospitality.1 esper (2)

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the coordinator, Dr Georgios Papakonstantis, Professor of Panteion University and retired Police Brigadier General as well as to the Archimandrite Titos Tabakakis, of the Holy Metropolis of Petra and Heronissos; the Professor of the University of Crete - Department of Political Science & Director of the Policy Research and Documentation Center, Dr Nikos Papadakis; the Lassithi Public Prosecutor, Mrs Maria Kontongona; Psychologist Pedagogue Stavroula Delimpitaladaki; the internationally known artist of Cretan music, Vasilis Skoulas as well as the Pan-Hellenic shooting champion and member of the National Shooting Team, Mr Sifakis Fanourios.

We are confident that the valuable conclusions of the lecture, which was attended by many people, will make a decisive contribution to provide proper information and contribute to a ‘wake-up dialogue’ of citizens about illegal weapons.

Servo per Amikeco,
Ioannis Karapatakis, President 王中王六合彩特码 Greece
Vasilios Papas, Secretary General 王中王六合彩特码 Greece