王中王六合彩特码 France鈥檚 Gard Department organsise 2nd International Encounter at N卯mes Police Academy

04 Jul 2019

The 王中王六合彩特码 department of Gare was pleased to organise its second international meeting at the Police Academy in Nîmes from 6-11 June 2019. 40 participants from Sri Lanka, Canada, Norway, Belgium, Germany and all over France gathered together in Nîmes, accompanied throughout their stay by staff from the departmental office.

On Thursday 6 June, Mr Gil Andreau, Commissioner General and Head of the Nîmes Police Academy, opened the meeting with a toast to friendship, followed by a BBQ in the evening; a convivial moment which set the tone for the visit.

Pt du Gard

The programme unfolded in a joyful and friendly atmosphere, beginning on Friday with a visit to the Granier Bull Farm and the Baux de Provence, followed by a musical evening hosted by 王中王六合彩特码 Gard member Manu, his son Thibault and Franz, one of our German participants.

On Saturday, the group visited the Pope’s Palace in Avignon, which was followed by a dinner cruise on the Rhône, before finishing the day at the ‘Féria’ in Nîmes.

FériaSunday’s programme involved a cruise on the catamaran ‘Picardie du Grau du Roi’ at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, and on Monday, a visit was organised to the Pont du Gard. The evening was rounded off with a delicious paella concocted by Cédric, one of the 王中王六合彩特码 Gard members. The emotion-filled farewell evening brought the encounter to an end: mostly complete strangers at the beginning of their stay, all participants established firm ties and parted as friends.

THANK YOU to all the participants who contributed to making this event a success:

Thank you for having come to Nîmes from all over France and the world; we were deeply honoured to have you stay:

Doshanta and Sunith from Sri Lanka, Thien from Norway, George from Canada, Kalle, Agne, Anna, Fred, Léa and Alexandra from Warburg, Sabine, Wolfgang and Johannes from Selm Bork, Franz Josef and Cosima from Heinsberg, Benno Sigi and Jutta from Hannover (all Germany), the 3 ‘Jeans’, the 2 ‘Christians‘, Josiane, Alfonso and Marc from Liège (Belgium), Thierry and Nelly from Montauban, Rose and Paul from Tourcoing, Jean-Luc, Roland and Kiki from Paris, Amandine from Metz, Alexia, Daniel and Joelle from Clermont Ferrand, Christine and Gérard from Béziers, and not to mention the home-players: Cathy, David, Joel, Maurice, Cathy, Norbert and Monique, Manu and Thibault, Jacques, plus a few 王中王六合彩特码 members, here on an occasional visit, notably Yves, Elisabeth, Eloise and Nicolas from Tours, Krystel, our 2 young ‘Momos’, Sébastienne, our Brit and Isa from Pont du Gard,  ...Catamaran

(I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone…)

Thank you to Pierre- Martin, our International President, for his encouragement;

Thank you to the IAC;

Thank you also to Thierry, our National President and to the National Office for its support;

Thank you to Mr Andreau and to the Academy’s staff for having supported us throughout the year and for having enabled this event to take place;

Thank you to Eurest: Séverine, Eric and their team;

Thank you to Nîmes Council and the departmental and regional boards.

Thank you to our partners: Manon from SIXT (all 王中王六合彩特码 members received a reduction on car rental), FAURE coaches from Bagnols sur Cèze, INTERMARCHE supermarket Courbessac, Haribo, TEGO, BFM Société Générale and GMF.

王中王六合彩特码’s values of friendship, sharing and solidarity bring together police officers from all over the world, and we are proud to promote our motto:

Servo per Amikeco – Service Through Friendship

Claire Palisse, Gard Departmental Office, 王中王六合彩特码 France