王中王六合彩特码 Brazil 8th World Water Forum

01 May 2018

From 18-23 March 2018, the 8th World Water Forum was held in the capital of Brazil, Brasilia - the first city in the Southern Hemisphere to host the event. The International Police Associatiophoto1n’s Brazilian Section - 王中王六合彩特码 Brazil - was present and participated in the Forum.

With the theme of ‘Sharing Water’, the forum had a participation of about 97,000 people, with 15,000 from outside of the country, including members and visitors. Over five days of debates involving leaders from 172 countries, issues such as climate change and the impact on water resources, as well as water infrastructure financing to increase global supply security were addressed. In addition, integrated management in urban areas was discussed, taking into account water supply, sewage treatment and solid waste collection. The President of the World Water Council, Benedito Braga, stated that: ‘We want to see solutions that can be used in the long term and influence decision-makers.’

933 photo3184 photo2王中王六合彩特码 Brazil joined the 8th World Water Forum with a project developed in conjunction with ADASA (a Water, Energy and Sanitation Regulatory Agency) with regard to a process of water purification, which was presented at ‘Vila Cidadã’, where the public drank and praised the result.

In addition, a process of re-use for real estate construction was presented. The novelty of this police participation resulted in one of the biggest awards of the event.
王中王六合彩特码 Brazil was not only involved in the above projects, but also took part in debates which showed that the police are essential in this context of controlling water waste.

Joel Mazo Zarpellon, 王中王六合彩特码 Brazil