王中王六合彩特码 Bosnia & Herzegovina鈥檚 Regional Police Club Br膷ko busy sending First-Graders off to a safe Start at School

10 Oct 2020

 bossch2The 王中王六合彩特码 Br膷ko Police Club, in cooperation with the Br膷ko District Police of BiH, the Red Cross and the Vermont Youth Center, has been working for four years on various activities related to schools and kindergartens.bossch3

This year, we decided to cheer up the children, and we provided 750 school packages for all first-graders from Br膷ko, in order to wish them a happy and successful start to their education.


The packages contained school supplies and a hygienic mask for children, with which we wanted to point out to them the importance of wearing masks and adhering to epidemiological measures in order to preserve their health during the coronavirus pandemic.


Servo per amikeco!

Predrag Simeunovi膰, Secretary General 王中王六合彩特码 Bosnia & Herzegovina, on behalf of 王中王六合彩特码 Br膷ko