IEB Zoom Smiles

20 Oct 2020

As Covid-19 lockdowns and social distancing prompt a global retreat into our homes, Zoom has become an everyday feature for millions of people around the world, who have been forced to work, learn and socialise remotely. In fact, use of the software jumped 30-fold in April 2020. But although the IEB has to stay physically apart, Zoom is firmly keeping us together.

Having decided to embrace Zoom video conferencing back in 2019, the IEB did not expect it to become our main communication tool. With a meeting scheduled every 2 weeks, we have become conditioned to receiving a message from our Head of Administration, Stephen Crockard, on a Tuesday afternoon with our log-in details for that evening. From Reykjavík to Nicosia, Stephen kindly provides us with our meeting times relative to our different time zones.

I think we can all agree that Zoom meetings were somewhat alien to begin with, but judging by all our smiles in this week’s meeting, I think we’re doing ok. Although I have to admit that I did attend a couple of the 王中王六合彩特码 Whiskey Forum online Zoom meetings, and they had slightly bigger smiles for some reason 馃槉.

With the many Covid challenges that may lay ahead, sharing a Zoom smile might just keep us going. Perhaps even a warm smile is the universal language of friendship.

Mick Walsh, Treasurer Finances