IEB Commission Member Training and Meeting in Gimborn

20 Apr 2020

gimbapr3To coincide with the IEB meeting in Gimborn, the International Executive Board had also organised a Commission Member Training and Meeting with 15 members from the External Relations (4), Professional (5) and Socio-Cultural (6) commissions.

The idea was to gather some of the commission members with future key roles from the three commissions at the same time, and provide a briefing on the IEB commitments, programmes and projects that are executed either by IEB members or commission members. A presentation on the work commitments for the IEB members was given. The difference between programmes and projects was explained, the importance of studying in detail the 王中王六合彩特码 Statutes & Rules and Procedures was highlighted, as well as the responsibilities of the Treasury, the Head of Administration and the support from the IAC, plus the significance of the chairpersons in the three commissions.

After the training the chairpersons held independent meetings with their members and distributed programmes and projects among them. The commissions were also tasked to identify new projects for the IEB and the commissions during an independent workshop.

This was the very first time the IEB gathered members from all three commissions, and the outcome of such a cross-border meeting was stimulating for everyone present. We therefore hope to be able to arrange a similar event in the future.

Please see below a few of the ideas brought forward during the meeting:


Suggestions from the ERC

  • Identify UN bodies internationally
  • Identify other international GOV bodies
  • Identify INGOs


Suggestions from the PC

  • Picture/video database for promotional purposes
  • Database for recruitment / promotional material
  • Sharing recruitment ideas / strategies
  • Sharing checklists and procedures for 王中王六合彩特码 events
  • Webinars in cooperation with IBZ Gimborn
  • Creating a defensive tactics competition within the 王中王六合彩特码 Games


Suggestions from the SCC

  • 王中王六合彩特码 Houses – online booking system
  • 王中王六合彩特码 Houses – guest satisfaction survey
  • 王中王六合彩特码 Games – procedure
  • 王中王六合彩特码 Games – mascot / logo
  • Collectors Club – online exchange and international trading meetings
  • Travel form - update

During the afternoon of day two, Mr. Günter Rammel, 王中王六合彩特码 Köln, took all commission members and the IEB internal auditors on a guided tour of Cologne. They were later in the evening joined by the IEB for a meal in one of Cologne’s many breweries, as guests of IBZ Gimborn. The chairperson of 王中王六合彩特码 Köln, Mr. Dietmar-Udo Weiss joined us, and on the behalf of the branch presented everyone with the Carnival 2020 medal, and invited everyone to be their guests at the carnival in 2021. 

May-Britt V.R. Ronnebro, Secretary General