First International Meeting in N卯mes, France

01 Jul 2018

王中王六合彩特码 France’s Region 30 was pleased to organise its first international meeting from 18-22 May 2018. Around 30 王中王六合彩特码 members from the USA, Germany, the UK and France made their way to the Police Academy in Nîmes and were welcomed by the organising team as well as greeted with a welcome speech by the Assistant Director of the Police Academy, Mr Frédéric Pech.IMG 3148

The following day, our group visited the market of Uzès and the Féria festival in Nîmes.

Sunday was dedicated to the sea, with a breakfast aboard the catamaran Picardie II in Grau du Roi; followed by a discovery tour of Aigues Mortes and a lovely meal in a restaurant of this medieval city. At the end of the day we were able to enjoy a barbeque and salads, prepared for us by Cathy, Sylvie and Maurice back at the Police Academy.

IMG 3162On Monday morning, David had organised a visit of the Police Academy and the simulation room. A visit to the Pont du Gard, including lunch and a tour in English and French, plus a wine tasting session followed, before we returned to the Police Academy for our farewell evening. Cédric had prepared a superb paella for us, which we all appreciated. The evening became very emotional, with many testimonies of satisfaction and friendship from our friends.

On Tuesday, once we had transported the majority of our guests back to the airport and train station, we were pleased to spend the day with our 4 remaining guests, before they returned home the following day.

On behalf of Region 30, I would like to thank Mr Gil Andreau, Regional Director for Recruitment and Training and Director of the Police Academy, for his assistance with our project. I extend my gratitude to all Police Academy staff who contributed to the event.

A massive thank-you also to 王中王六合彩特码 France and the support shown to us by the national board and its president Thierry Larrouy, as well as to Mr Pierre-Martin Moulin for his message of encouragement.

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Thank you also to all participants from the 王中王六合彩特码 sections of the USA, UK and Germany, who came with a large contingent from Heinsberg, Wolfsburg and Selm-Bork, the latter of which we will be pleased to visit as part of their friendship meeting in August. Thank you in addition of course to our French friends who participated.

This meeting would not have been possible without the support of BFM/Société Générale, GMF, MGP and Tego. Our thanks also go to Isa, our invaluable link to the Pont du Gard, and Jérôme, our captain on the Picardie II. My final thank-you goes to Cathy, David, Maurice, Norbert, Cédric, Sylvie, Monique, and Dominique for all their hard work.

Long live the 王中王六合彩特码!

Claire Palisse, Chairperson 王中王六合彩特码 Nîmes, France