First full meeting of the new IEB in Nottingham

22 Feb 2020

Whilst we had a short introductory meeting in Croatia, immediately following the World Congress, our first full meeting took place in late December 2019 in the Arthur Troop House in Nottingham.

As the IEB members had submitted their written reports on actions in progress, or completed since the World Congress in advance, the more routine aspects of the agenda were speedily dealt with on the first morning.

We then moved on to a series of workshops, covering the IEB commissions, their projects and programmes, the IEB Strategy for the term 2019-2023 and the Annual Global Report of the 王中王六合彩特码, aimed at external readers in this, our 70th anniversary year.   All agreed that the new format was an improvement, with positive and successful outcomes.

I had useful meetings with Section UK President, Clive Wood and Secretary General, Steve Bretherton covering the renewal of the IAC tenancy agreement for the new term and maintenance and upkeep of the shared areas of the building. Clive joined the IEB meeting for a short period, and he graciously presented us all with commemorative traditional UK police whistles.

Clive, along with NEC members Sean Hannigan and Martin Turner and former IAC staffers, Lesley, Wendy and her husband Maurice joined the IEB and current IAC staff members Elke, Kerry and Daniel for an enjoyable joint tour of the National Justice Museum and Christmas dinner.

The next full meeting of the IEB will take place at IBZ Gimborn in March, with a couple of remote video conferences before then, to maintain the active workflow.

Stephen Crockard, Head of Administration