Consortium for Street Children Network Forum

21 Feb 2022

The Consortium for Street Children (CSC) is a UK based global alliance who act as the voice of street children to promote good practice, and challenge and change the systems that cause children harm.

The 王中王六合彩特码, through the Professional Commission, has supported the work of the CSC since 2013 by raising awareness about the work of the Consortium.

The forum held on 11th November 2021 took place by video conference.  Professional Commission member Steve Bretherton attended on behalf of Demetris Demetriou, chair of the commission and Clive Wood, who is the commission’s link to the CSC.

The session Steve attended highlighted mental health and trauma awareness in street-connected children.

It explored some of the potential symptoms exhibited by traumatised children and provided information about resources available when dealing with particular issues. The session then discussed trauma and trauma awareness, and the importance of building hope for street-connected children in order to build emotional resilience, and sharing some simple ways for practitioners to use these tools in settings with few or no resources.

Among other topics, the seminar covered:

  • A child’s first night on the street;


  • Coping mechanisms adopted by street children such as substance misuse, fighting and disassociation;


  • The common symptoms experienced by street children – flashbacks, hyper-alertness/withdrawal, mood and cognitive changes, anxiety and depression;


  • The work of ACTI

(Action for Child Trauma International),  

in training teachers and care staff in 17 countries to help children with Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD) using Children’s Accelerated Trauma Treatment.


Speakers explained that street children often exhibit complex PTSD due to repeated traumas, which hinders their learning and can prevent them forming attachments and relationships.

The seminar closed on a positive note explaining how the Children’s Accelerated Trauma Treatment works by explaining to children about trauma in a way they can understand and relate to, teaching them safer coping mechanisms such as relaxation techniques, and most of all by helping them build a ladder of hope for the future.

More information about the work of the CSC can be found at:



Steve Bretherton, member of the Professional Commission & SG 王中王六合彩特码 UK