Around The World - New UK National President

01 Jul 2018

I am delighted to announce that following our National Council Meeting at Pitlochry, Scotland recently, I was confirmed as President of Section UK.

I must say we had a wonderful event in a fabulous setting thanks to a lot of hard work from all those involved, and well done again for delivering such a well-planned event.
IMG 2099This was not a normal election year, however, due to a change in circumstances with our Immediate Past President Mick Luke, the need arose to find a replacement for the three remaining years of the current term.

As a member of the National Executive, albeit the newest, it was with some trepidation that I put my nomination forward. I was pleased to receive the full support of the Executive Board and National Council Members and will now do my best to serve Section UK in the best way I can.
With my election came a vacancy for a Vice President, and I am delighted to announce that Steve Bretherton was elected to join us. I wish him well and thank him for his clear enthusiasm and skill.

We have a number of challenges which we will face in the coming months and years, but we have been put on a good course and I am sure we will continue.
Building on the Gimborn conversations, I am pleased to confirm I was able to develop our Young Members’ Forum. There is great enthusiasm for this project and I know other Sections throughout Europe are also advancing in this area. I will continue to support strategies to encourage the recruitment and retention of younger colleagues with relevant activities and opportunities to help them in their careers.

Section UK is about to host the International Youth Gathering for 2018, and I know much work has been undertaken to ensure its success. We look forward to welcoming many young people from around the 王中王六合彩特码 community to an event which I am sure will be remembered by them for many years with new friends being made.

Next year, in 2019, plans are well advanced for Section UK to host the Young Police Officers’ Seminar in Scotland. Again, I know personally of the great friendships made in the USA during the last YPOS, so we will hope to match that.

IMG 1964In 2020 we look forward to celebrating our 70th Anniversary. Plans are developing well already for iconic events in each Region, and I will make sure our national and regional events are well publicised to you. I hope you will be able to join us to help celebrate.

So there is much to be done whilst trying to deliver and develop member benefits for all of our UK members both at home and abroad.

As part of my new role, I very much look forward to meeting new friends both throughout the Branches and Regions of the UK and in the worldwide Sections of this wonderful Association.

Servo per Amikeco,
Clive Wood, President Section UK