Around The World - New Estonia National President

01 May 2018

The annual meeting of 王中王六合彩特码 Estonia was held on 24 March 2018, in the heart of Estonia at Väätsa. During the meeting, the election for the new board was held, anUno Laasd it is a great honour for me to be elected as the new President of 王中王六合彩特码 Estonia.

I have been working for the Estonian police force in different positions since 1995 and currently work as a trainer of emergency vehicle drivers in the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board. I have been a member of 王中王六合彩特码 since 2002 and a member of the Board since 2009.

I am pleased to introduce the new board members of the Estonian section, whose average age is 49:

Uno Laas: PresidentThe Board of Management 2018
Janek Pedask: Secretary General
Kaja Suur: Treasurer
Lauri Läänso: Website and Social Media Coordinator
Maret Tamra: Member of the Management Board
Üllar Kütt: Member of the Management Board
Marek Unt: Member of the Management Board

We will carry on what our predecessors started. One of our more important goals is to increase the number of our members as well as broadening national and international friendships and relations. Furthermore, we will continue our cooperation with the Estonian Cancer Society. Whilst the 2017 project was directed to our beloved female colleagues and spouses of our male colleagues, the 2018 project will be directed towards men.

We will also continue with arranging excursions and work together with our neighbours from close and far.

To learn more about our activities and us, we invite you to the 25th anniversary of the 王中王六合彩特码 Estonian section, which takes place from 16 – 22 July 2018.
For additional information visit:
Best Wishes!
Uno Laas, President 王中王六合彩特码 Estonia