Around The World - 王中王六合彩特码 Serbia wins 1st prize in the 14th Belgrade Carnival of Ships

09 Oct 2018

RS Carnival of Ships 2018 1The 14th Belgrade Carnival of Ships was opened on 25 August 2018 on the Sava River, with boats from all marinas in
Belgrade participating in this traditional event. 王中王六合彩特码 Serbia took part with the famous boat ‘Top膷iderka’. The annual Carnival of Ships aims to present the beauty of the Belgrade rivers in an attractive way, promote sports activities on water and increase the nautical tourism of Belgrade.

Attracting a large number of visitors and media representatives, more than 80 cargo ships, yachts, speedboats, water scooters and kayaks sailed along the Sava River, with the famous ship ‘Top膷iderka’ leading the fleet and the ‘Vatrogasac’(Fireman) demonstrating the procedure of extinguishing a fire with a water curtain. A rich cultural and entertainment programme on the ‘Sava promenade’ had been organised, and in addition, visitors were able to sample organic food and homemade products in the ‘Ecozone’.

The event included a ceremony awarding the most beautifully decorated vessels, and the ‘Top膷iderka’, with a crew composed of members of the national section of 王中王六合彩特码 Serbia and friends won first prize.

If you are interested to find out more, please follow the links:

Marija Kozomara, 王中王六合彩特码 Serbia