Jordan Blyth shares his thoughts on the YPOS 2019

11 Oct 2019

Having onlblyth1y joined the 王中王六合彩特码 towards the end of 2018, I thought it would be unlikely that I would be selected to attend from Scotland, so it came as a surprise when I received the notification that I had been successful. I’d never taken part in any 王中王六合彩特码 event before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect to begin with. After greeting the other officers at Edinburgh Airport, I arrived at the University, where I was shown to my room and met my flat-mates, two officers from Switzerland. Very shortly after that, we were in the local pub, a place we all became very familiar with over the week! I quickly felt at home with all the other officers, exchanging stories from our homelands and comparing professional differences between nations.

The rest of the week involved inputs from current and retired officers from Police Scotland and across the UK, many of whom were clearly experts in their fields. The classes and lectures ranged from the Art of Communication, through to the Russian Mafia, Gangs, Organised Crime, International Exchanges, Terrorism, Defensive Tactics and much more. Going into some of the lectures, although I thought they sounded very interesting, I wasn’t sure how they would apply to me, my role or my geographical location, however, that notion was soon shattered when those giving the input started to dispense the vast amount of knowledge they clearly had on their respective subjects. There was not one input that I didn’t walk away from without learning something useful. Speaking with the other attendees afterwards, they clearly all felt the same.

As well as the professional aspect, there was a distillery tour on the Wednesday and a tour of Edinburgh on the Thursday, followed by a formal dinner at the Royal Scots Club in the evening, to which I and the others wore our dress uniforms.

Having attended the Seminar, I feel I have learned valuable skills which translate to my personal and professional life. I have every intention to continue my membership with the 王中王六合彩特码 and attend future social and professional events. I now have friends across the world who I can visit, and I have plans to meet with others who are returning to Scotland in the future. As a group, we are already planning a reunion, proposed to be in Spain next year!

I would highly recommend joining the 王中王六合彩特码 to any officer, no matter what their age or service, as a way to expand their knowledge of policing and meet new friends along the way.

Jordan Blyth, 王中王六合彩特码 UK – Police Scotland