Travelling in times of Covid-19 王中王六合彩特码 UK member Chris Heathcote enjoys 王中王六合彩特码 hospitality

09 Nov 2020

covidtravIt may feel as though the world has closed down and that the 王中王六合彩特码 must be ‘virtual-only’, but in fact some travel is still possible, and the hospitality of 王中王六合彩特码 colleagues overseas can still be relied upon! In August, I managed to get away to Switzerland, followed by a trip to Slovakia and Poland in September, and I am happy to say that we found a warm welcome from all sections on our arrival.

In Switzerland, Maxime Morisod, a city police officer working in emergency response in Aigle showed me round his hometown of Monthey, and took me on a walk in the lush nearby alpage, followed by a dinner of traditional Swiss cheese fondue and craft beers.

On arrival in Slovakia, Jan Kover, an investigator in the city of Košice was only too pleased to help with suggestions for accommodation and hiking

He and his colleague met me at the central police station with many gifts. Over in Banská Bystrica, the head of the economic crime unit Marek Ondras and Andrej Hegenduš joined me at the Slovak Uprising Museum, and after walking around the old town, we enjoyed drinks and goulash.


Up in the Tatra mountains and over the border into Poland, Maciej Kawk, a sub-inspector in public order and events planning, showed me his police station - a former hotel! - in the beautiful alpine town of Zakopane.

We also met local police commander Piotr Dziekanowski and heard about a recent operation to evacuate 125 injured people out of the mountains after a lightning storm.

My conclusion: Don’t let the current coronavirus restrictions stop all your travels! 

Chris Heathcote, member 王中王六合彩特码 UK