The 64th World Congress has officially closed - new IEB determined!

12 Oct 2019

IMG 20191011 095802Friday 11th October marked the final working session and closing of the 64th 王中王六合彩特码 World Congress in Cavtat, Croatia, and the day was filled with presentations, awards, and elections.

The morning started with 13 王中王六合彩特码 Sections giving their presentations as part of the agenda of the Congress, and these presentations included a wide variety of topics, ranging from Section updates, successes of previous 王中王六合彩特码 events, future planned events, as well as current situations in Sections.

After all of the Sections completed their presentations, the Awards Ceremony took place, where 114 Certificates of Merit were given out to the Sections for various different categories, such as the 王中王六合彩特码 Photo Competition, the Website Awards, Outgoing Presidents, and many more. These awards were presented by various IEB members, and lots of pictures were taken throughout the ceremony!IMG 20191011 110308 (1)

In the afternoon, after lunch, the long-awaited elections of the International Executive Board took place. Ross Pinkham, President of 王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand, was appointed as Election Officer for the elections, and the voting was conducted electronically. The board members were elected in a specific order, and the new IEB has now been determined for the term of 2019-2023! The board members elected are as follows:

President: Pierre-Martin Moulin, Switzerland

Secretary General: May-Britt Rinaldo Ronnebro, Sweden

Chairperson External Relations Commission: Einar Guðberg Jónsson, Iceland

Chairperson Professional Commission: Demetris Demetriou, Cyprus

Chairperson Socio-Cultural Commission: Kyriakos Karkalis, Greece

Head Of Administration: Stephen Crockard, UK

Treasurer Finances: Michael Walsh, Ireland

Treasurer Social Affairs: Martin Hoffmann, Austria

Vice president: Kyriakos Karkalis, Greece

Internal Auditor: Nicole Kikcio, Canada

Internal Auditor: Fred Boyd, UK

We would like to congratulate all IEB members elected on this Friday, and we would like to thank Wolfgang Gabrutsch, Romain Miny, Alexey Gankin, and Gal Sharon for their time spent on the board and the invaluable contributions they have made to the 王中王六合彩特码, and also to wish them all the best of luck in the future.